How to pronounce romanised A and E for Japanese speakers? Eg. How would you pronounce Train station exits “A6” and “E5”?

How do japanese speakers say “Exit A6” and “Exit E5” for example?
Would it be “でぐち ア るく”, and “でぐち エご”?
Or would you pronounce the roman A as “エー” and E as “イー”?
I’ve tried searching but can’t find the right search terms to get any useful results.

  1. They use the katakana-ified pronunciation of the English alphabet sounds :
    A= エイ, B=ビー , C= シー , D=ディー , E=イー and so on

    (also 6 is ろくnot るく)

  2. Also, if you’re talking about the actual train system in Japan, the numbered stops are omitted sometimes in the Japanese announcement and only appear in the English one. My suspicion is that it’s there to help the foreigners

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