Import tax on road bikes?

Hello japanlife,

I wanna a buy a road bike from Alibaba, it costs around ¥120K(it mentioned without tax) the seller advised me to check for duty fare at local post office, since my Japanese is not good, I’m asking here…do I have to pay any duty for it? If yes, how much it could be?

I appreciate your kind answers, Thank you!!

  1. On that amount I will stick my neck out and say around 5,000+.
    I imported a MTB earlier this year, and that was around 6500.

    Good luck with the new bike.

  2. I don’t know about duty, but they will almost certainly charge you 10% consumption tax.

  3. The amount pretty much just like others said, it wont be that much, at most 10%.

    In my case when importing $1000 headphone I had to pay 2000 yen or so when they deliver it to my house. Liking how simple the process is.
    Back then in my home country I had to go to post office just to pay for it, so annoying.

  4. Import tax on bicycles and parts – 0%

    Consumption tax – 10%. Might get lucky and don’t get charged.

    Some transport companies love to charge BS fees for handling luggage, so be prepared.

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