Weekly Weekend Thread – 29 May 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. Was a bit sick/unwell again and didn’t leave the house other than to go to the dentist on Sunday.

    I feel like stomach problems are almost a weekly thing now, right on Saturdays! So strange.

  2. I went to Shingu this weekend, and bought a hashbrown and a bento at Lawson. I went to eat at a park near the station. On my left hand the hashbrown, on my lap the bento, and a fork on my right hand. A few minutes in, something the size of two basketballs (~50cm) blurs through my left hand, and I’m literally left holding air. I’m like what the **** just happened? Where is my hashbrown? I slowly turn around and see the black kite eating my hashbrown. I take a few pictures of it, and it turns around so I assume it wants the rest of my lunch so I hurry back towards the station. Facing the station and the railways are signs of “トンビに注意” and “be careful of the black kite”. Tourists like me coming out of the station can’t see the warning signs unless they turn around! The signs feel more like validation for people that have been hustled by the black kite.

  3. We had a special training again in preparation for a few upcoming tournaments and my sparring technique has improved a lot. If I can keep this up, this will be great!

  4. Pretty chill, mostly. Saturday I took advantage of the nice weather to put some miles in on my bike, went to Ogawamachi to look for a snowboard bag then had some terrace beers and read my book.

    Yesterday, went shopping to look for some stuff for the new apartment, took advantage of the 20% off sale at Kinokuniya, then made chicken taco rice for dinner.

  5. The weather was super nice Saturday, so I ended up taking a nice long walk. Initially was just going to go to the conbini and back, but decided to just eat at the conbini then walk over to the local shrine and temple. On the way, ran into some of my younger students who wanted me to walk with them to the park and play for a bit, so I ended up doing that, then walking all the way back to the shrine and temple anyway. Ended up being a really nice little outing.

    Saturday night, I tempura’d up some ウド (Aralia cordata) I got from work earlier in the week, alongside some mushrooms and shrimp. Made a pretty big mess, but it was quite tasty! Also got in touch with the incoming JETs who will be replacing me, so answered some of their questions about the town and job.

    Besides that, basically just played a metric fuck-ton of Stardew Valley, and got to Year 1 Fall on my new file. At first I wasn’t sure if I was making a mistake by adding so many little QoL mods along with big content ones (SDVE and Ridgeside Village) but I’m definitely glad I did.

  6. There’s a V2 at the climbing gym that is kicking my ass and my arms are sore and I have bruises on my legs but I am really enjoying it. Did a couple of courses one-handed to practice legs and that’s really fun.

    Edit: typo

  7. Went to my first Reformers Pilates class on Saturday and goddamn. My everything hurts. Can’t wait to go back though, was considering once a week but I’ll settle for fortnightly lessons instead for now.

  8. My kid’s Sports Day was on Saturday, followed by sushi to celebrate. I’m so thankful they kept it to a half-day event with each grade level having all their events back-to-back, because me and my melanin-free skin can’t do 6 am to 2 pm with no shade to watch kids who aren’t mine.

    I also bit the bullet and signed up for a Go lesson yesterday.

  9. Walked the Nakasendo Trail from Magome to Tsumago (took bus back to Magome after) yesterday and was actually able to convince my husband to come with. The weather was absolutely perfect for it. It’s my favourite place for walking. Did it last summer (there and back that time) and it was really nice then because tourists weren’t back and you could take pictures of the streets without getting people in the shots. It’s cool seeing people back, though. Definitely sore today since it was the first big walk we’ve done in a long time. We become pretty hermit-y in the winter (thanks, allergies) lol.

  10. Belgian Beer Weekend in Osaka. Weather was nice on Saturday and I actually liked the Nakanoshima location. Made for some nice sipping alongside the river. Spend too much as usual but enjoyed the beers I tried.

    Managed to also fit in a nice little cycle and a visit to the Ghibli Park Art exhibit at the Kobe City Museum.

  11. The planets aligned and my wife was free enough to help me at tge garden.

    She and toddler pulled some spuds, got some chamomile for tea, then she took some baby carrots of which toddler ate 4, and I got started on harvesting rye. And bub just slept.

    It was great fun having everyone there and a huge time-saver for me.

  12. Concert at the Maruzen Arena. Concert itself was a blast, but that area is kinda sad. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to avoid the local establishments as aggressively as I have in that area, and I’m usually all about sniffing out the cozy mom and pop shops.

  13. Cleaned the whole house

    Sold all unused stuff on mercari

    Sorted out all investments in stock market, planned retirement

    Joined a karate club and got black belt

    Won a mahjong competition

    Then we climbed up and down mountt fuji it was lovely

    And did some volunteering with the local community.

    Jk lol pretty much just played the new Zelda while sipping chu-hais.

  14. Played go in face to face for the first time in years. Two games of one hour each, I was so much tired after but it was cool. I’ve lost against the big boss of the club, with 7 handicap stones. They estimated my rank at around 7~8kyu which I’m happy of!

  15. Went to my elementary school’s 運動会, got very sunburned on my cheeks and neck. Note to self: it is officially “have sunscreen in bag at all times” season. I may not have my mother’s red hair but I sure as heck inherited the skin tone. First aggressively red sunburn next freckles popping up everywhere.

  16. Between parking space contracts. Found airport parking to be a thing, paid 4000 yen instead of 14,000 (hourly parking)

    Will probably do this in the future instead of airport bus!

  17. Had a driving lesson on Friday and I’m so close to my license now! Only pain is I have to travel to a different city in order to take the English test…. Which means taking nenkyu which I’m very cautious about using atm….

  18. Cooked a big pot of curry for next week and finished the new Zelda game ( only the main quest though)

  19. Drove around to a couple BookOffs with my son yesterday.

    Why the fuck are they so expensive? I found one selling a used Splatoon 3 Pro Controller for 9900 yen…. when they were brand new for 7500 yen literally next door at Joshin. I was looking for a Switch Lite to use on the go, they only had ones with broken sticks or scratched up screens, for 18,000 yen! May as well buy a new one at that point.

    I did manage to find one deal, Sonic Frontiers for only 3000 yen, so I picked that up. I haven’t played a 3D Sonic game in full since Sonic Adventure 2, so I’m looking forward to it.

  20. In Korea right now. And, as bad as this sounds, I auto default to Japanese whenever I see an Asian individual. I need to actively stop myself saying はい or ありがとう.

  21. Went to Meiji-Jingumae after so many years (even living in tokyo lol), after my partner needed to visit the dentist.

    One of his crowns felt off, and OMG HOW EXPENSIVE DENTISTS ARE HERE! (first time needing it here.) – anyway, it was a good weekend 🙂

  22. Don’t want to make a thread just for this, but hopefully someone will see this.

    Few days/weeks ago someone mentioned a LINE group for parents. Well, I’m soon(ish) to be one (yay). Can anyone DM me with a link/who to contact? Thanks!

  23. found flamin hot doritos (68yen) and white tim tams (199yen) in the “outlet section” at my local supermarket

    the doritos looked and tasted different (they didn’t even stain my fingers) but they were still pretty spicy, and I can’t really complain given the price

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