Do japanese high school students all just have easy access to the roof?

Do japanese high school students all just have easy access to the roof?

  1. It is really exaggerated. They’re just roofs. The access door is probably locked, certainly off limits, and there’s nowhere comfortable to hang out.

    I believe the trope started with delinquent types breaking the rules and hanging out on the roof even though they weren’t supposed to be there (and just glossing over how the school authorities never get around to fixing the lock or punishing the misbehavior), but it’s such a convenient location for plot purposes that it’s been expanded beyond all semblance of reality.

  2. No. If you do sneak up there, anyone who sees you will pull the eternally terrifying phrase upon you “I am telling the teacher/your parents” Which version will depend if it is the teacher or a student who finds you lol.

    Honestly, the reaction would be the same as students going up on the roof in america or probably wherever. You would get in trouble and its dangerous. I am sure someone somewhere in japan has/does do it, but it definitely isn’t normal 🙂

  3. Generally you’re not allowed up there. That’s why the characters are alone up there.

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