Does anyone know a good free grammar app?

I want to have a good grammar resource that I can use to look up grammar I see while studying or learn new grammar concepts. I have zero expendable money. I’m aware paid apps probably are better, but if anyone knows of a good free one, I’d appreciate it🙏

(I have an Android phone)

  1. I like to use for this. You can look up grammar for free and get explanations plus example sentences. You only need to pay if you want to use their SRS.

  2. You can use Tae Kim and afterwards google grammar points as you encounter them (Japanese grammar is for the most part very easy to google).

    >I’m aware paid apps probably are better

    They are not.

  3. I prefer renshuu to bunpro. Bunpro requires registration to use the app and gives a month of free pro immediately, which is off putting to me cause I want to use the free month at my convenience, not immediately after registering…

    Renshuu is just easier and while you need to pay to do proper study, the grammar lookup is easy. In the side menu: resources -> grammar library.

    For proper grammar study I would use Tae Kim’s site.

  4. I think the jlab deck is really good for it, it is based on tae kim and personally i find it easier to learn grammar by repeated examples

  5. For looking up grammar, googling works pretty well using this pattern:
    japanese <grammar term in kana>.

    The “japanese” spelled in latin characters sorts out all the japanese-only content and usually brings up learning sites. You can also use “japanese grammar” without the quotation marks instead. As grammar term, you can usually use the kana part of what you don’t understand. This still works quite often, even though you’re using too many or too few characters. I used this hundreds of times myself.

    If you’re also looking for a free grammar resource: I made a free anki deck that teaches everything from zero, someone else already mentioned it. Here’s the link: [](

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