Home Learn Japanese How do you pronounce the arrow in a news title?LLearn JapaneseHow do you pronounce the arrow in a news title?May 29, 20232 comments I saw the phrase “定員割れ私立大→公立化” in an article title on the Jisho app and wanted to ask how to pronounce the arrow when reading this out loud Tags:Japanese LanguageLearn Japanese 2 commentsIt depends on the context. People barely read aloud that kind of arrow, but when you need to read them, it depends on the context.Those kinds of arrows mainly mean a change, destination.In that situation, I would say :定員割れ私立大の、公立化。 The kanji 化 already has the meaning of a change.Or, if that action is supposed to happen in the near future, it would be : 定員割れ私立大が、公立化へ。上野(うえの)→東京(とうきょう) 170円(ひゃく なな じゅう えん)上野から東京 は 170円Mary →♥→ Ken Mary は Ken が好き(すき)Hope it helps ☺️If it is me, I would read/pronounce ていいんわれ しりつだい こうりつか.Leave a ReplyYou must be logged in to post a comment.
It depends on the context. People barely read aloud that kind of arrow, but when you need to read them, it depends on the context.Those kinds of arrows mainly mean a change, destination.In that situation, I would say :定員割れ私立大の、公立化。 The kanji 化 already has the meaning of a change.Or, if that action is supposed to happen in the near future, it would be : 定員割れ私立大が、公立化へ。上野(うえの)→東京(とうきょう) 170円(ひゃく なな じゅう えん)上野から東京 は 170円Mary →♥→ Ken Mary は Ken が好き(すき)Hope it helps ☺️
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It depends on the context.
People barely read aloud that kind of arrow, but when you need to read them, it depends on the context.
Those kinds of arrows mainly mean a change, destination.
In that situation, I would say :
The kanji 化 already has the meaning of a change.
Or, if that action is supposed to happen in the near future, it would be :
上野(うえの)→東京(とうきょう) 170円(ひゃく なな じゅう えん)
上野から東京 は 170円
Mary →♥→ Ken
Mary は Ken が好き(すき)
Hope it helps ☺️
If it is me, I would read/pronounce ていいんわれ しりつだい こうりつか.