How long after Interview until Job offer


I am quite satisfied with my current job, but saw a job announcement at a company I am interested in and which suits my skills perfectly.

After sending in my job application I had to do the SPI test (and was completely ripped apart since even with my business level Japanese that thing was meant to be hard for native speakers), I had an interview with the department manager, division manager and a manager from HR.

The interview was kind of strange, in the sense that I learned a lot before the interview, but it was mainly wasted time, because they just had a couple of questions (some even personal) and it was over in like 20 minutes. Didn’t knew how I did, but to my surprise I got a call 30 minutes later that I passed the interview, but they asked for s little bit time to prepare the offer. I followed that up by a thank you email the same night.

It has been a week now and I can’t stop reloading my mail box every 20 minutes to see if something arrived, but nothing so far.

So I just wonder if this wait time is quite normal or not. At my last job, I was sent the offer the same day of my final interview. But perhaps that was because they were sure after the first interview that they wanted me and prepared the offer already and this time there is only one interview (apart from a small phone conversation with HR before the interview).

  1. There could be many reasons for this. The good news is they probably haven’t dismissed you out of hand.

    Maybe they’re trying to decide between you and one or more other candidates.

    Maybe the person who has to sign off on hires is on vacation.

    Maybe they’re interviewing but don’t have any open positions; they like you and now they’re scrambling to find budget to create a spot for you.

    At any rate, after a week I think it’s fine to contact them and ask what you can expect regarding next steps.

  2. In about a week.

    I’m someone who is job hunting right now. Normally in japan, the flow is

    CV/Resume→SPI→Interview→Job offer.

    But I went for a very technical one which the flow is

    CV/Resume→English test→Technical exam→SPI&Interview→Final Interview→Job offer.

    But most of the time the company will contact the me within a week whether they are eligible for the next screening. I’m a foreigner so I’m no way I’m going to get an average score for SPI, but my interview is quite good imo. After a few days 4-5days, I got contacted and it said I failed my 4th screening.

    Most of the time they will contact you within a week, even many of my friends who are job hunting say the same. Unless the company you applying for is a jerk company that don’t even bother to notify the participants even if they failed the screening.

    Of course the duration is vary depending on the way they select the eligible participants, but more than a week is quite unusual. I’d mail the HR to check with them if I were you.

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