Need an opinion on living situation

I have to make a decision on how/where to live in tokyo and would be happy to hear your opinion if you are interested to read it. Thanks! Different eyes see different things!

So I am here for over 6 months. I work in Kamata. Lived in Saitama. I had lessons 3x a week, go to baito 5x a week. I like my baito and want to stay there. The lasts weeks where travel around Japan so from now on I need a new place (and dont want to go back to the one in saitama).

Currently I am in Asakusa area. The place is ok but pricey (80k/month). I dont like Asakusa especially. Also the room is small, but in the common area you can talk at night.
From July I could work there too to save on rent.

I found a flat in Saitama with cheap move in costs, and managed to get accepted at the guarantor company. 100k and then first rent 7/27 – 40k. Still saitama, baito is 1.5h away, but own flat and just 40k rent.

The thing is, my visa expires in december, but I made the decision to live here. Of course I need a job for that first but I could stay here for another 1-2 years with a student visa.

So all in all, I could have a flat with small rent, my own toilet and kitchen after years, but long commute. Also dont now exactly whats happening after december. Moving out could get pricy.

On the other hand I could stay where I am now, would be quite easy, but its neither optimal for work nor am I super happy with facilities vs rent.

Finding something near Kamata was not really successful either. Flat too expensive for me (moving in > 150k) or Share houses not free.

I somehow tend to stay at the place I am right now, because its just easy. But maybe I am missing something and could get a better deal?

I looked and talked to different companies and websites, english and japanese. Leopalace offered me 17sqm for 300k move in costs in Saitama. I stopped there 笑

  1. Since you are willing to live a bit further away I recommend trying to find a UR apartment. They only charge deposit and first rent at move in.

    Also you can do baito literally anywhere so why do it 1.5h away. You could find something closer.

  2. Moving out should not in itself get pricey, unless you sign a fixed term lease. Most apartment leases in Japan allow you to leave whenever you want, it’s just that the renewal fee posts every two years so it makes sense to stay one year and 10 months or some similar duration, if you want to get the maximum value out of the renewal fee.

    There’s no right answer for how close you need to live to your job or your studies. It really depends on your priorities.

    I personally would not want to live 90 minutes from where I work. That’s 3 hours each day that you’re losing. On the other hand, many people have no problem with this, and depending on whether you can sit down, maybe you could get some studying or reading or video gaming happening during the train ride.

  3. I mean you could definitely find something closer than 1.5hrs commute for cheaper than 80k. Unless you want a very large place.
    Every single place I’ve lived in the 23 wards of Tokyo has been less than 80k. A 1k for 50k, 1dk for 60k and now a 2DK for 70k. I’ve never had more than an hour commute.

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