hard day today

i got up at 6 am today to get a head start on my day before school starting at 1 pm.

Im too tired to explain so i wrote this.
I needed to make my apartment payment on the 27th but there have been, issues

I have deposited snd withdrawn the same 50 man like 8 times in 3 days

Also please include me walking 30 minutes to whereever location i was directed to next in the heat today

my apartment office:

“please open a bank account and bring your bank info to our office so we can document it and take the rent payment out of it”

“oki” *takes out 370 dollars and 1 dollar usage fee*

*puts 370 dollars into atm new bank account plus 1 dollar usage fee*

“here is my account info”

“thank you, we know you have money in your account but the first month can either be paid in transfer or card, we cant take money from the account, unless you want to go to the atm”

“i can go to the atm”

“okay see you tomorrow”

*takes money out plus 1 dollar usage fee*

“hi i brought the money”

“oh you cant pay in cash you need to transfer”

“ok” *puts money back into account with 1 dollar usage fee*

“i need to make a transfer”

“we cant do that you can go to an atm to transfer”

spends an hour trying to transfer but atm wont let me.

“its not working”
“ok we can have you pay in card”

“ok” *takes money back out to put on card plus 1 dollar usage fee*

“we cant load money back onto your card”

“you can try this bank they can transfer for you”

“ok” *puts money back into account with 1 dollar usage fee

also went to the grocery store to get a bento to make myself feel better and it was ransacked and i didnt really have time to grocery shop all day between doing this and school. I got home at 11 pm

I still have homework and i have to get up early tomorrow too, i only got 4 hours of sleep last night.

Just a rough day

  1. About 8 times? Try to reach out for help at around the second? Stress can mess up your understanding of things.

  2. otsukaresama deshita

    Go to bed and tomorrow say a crow attacked you and stole your homework, must have needed glasses and thought it was a hanger or needed toilet paper, you do not know either.

    Good luck.

    Tomorrow will be better, or this weekend, or the break, if worst come to worst in a few 10th of years or so at least you will dye of old age and f. them all with their stupid rules.

  3. Who said “we can’t do that you can go to an atm to transfer”?

    Because if you went to a bank then the teller could’ve helped you. I made a transfer last month in cash at the teller (I didn’t even have an account). I made another transfer more recently at the atm, with help from the bank teller.

  4. > spends an hour trying to transfer but atm wont let me.

    That sounds weird. Are you sure you know how to do bank trasfers?

  5. First of all 50万? Congratulations are in order I guess. My most expensive apartment so far has been 14万…
    But then it says 370 dollars below… Not sure about that.

    More to the point, I have rented a lot of apartments before buying, and all of them from the big corporation to the retired guy have preferred bank transfer. Only the Yakuza looking guy renting out the closet in Asakusa wanted cash, and nobody even suggested direct debit or anything like that.

    If they said the money could be paid “in transfer or card”, I would just open up online banking and transfer it. The ATM works fine too… Except you say it didn’t work – in what way, exactly? I’ve never had a transfer “not work” unless some of the info was incorrect. Also “card” could mean about anything, like J-debit, etc.

    If their story changed the first time, I would have written down the person’s name for future reference.

    What was this crazy company you were dealing with? At least the other members here should be warned if this is true.

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