Leaving Japan for Australia

Is it worth it to move to Australia from Japan and start all over again? What are your insights?

Good for young, single people so much things to do.
Career progression nasa.
It’s easy to get stuck and comfortable and isolated.
Finding a partner to settle down is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Relaxed environment I don’t feel any sense of tension in daily life.

Good place for long term, settling down, retirement.

I’m done with the party and the on the go life it gets too old for me.

  1. Why are you leaving Japan?

    Australia is pretty tough – high cost of living and you have to sell one of your kidneys every month to pay for water and electricity.

  2. It’s a much higher cost of living in Australia. Pretty strict immigration policies too. “Fuck off we’re full” is a popular bumper sticker. The summers are brutal.

  3. Op, it’s almost impossible for anyone to answer your question without your background, the reasons you want to leave Japan and the reasons you wanna move to Australia.

  4. Over-staying in Japan seriously runs the risk of being boiled like a frog. Average people in Australia have Super pension funds worth $100,000’s and are buying houses worth close to a $million, albeit on a mortgage. There’s no way compensation in Japan can ever match that. Stay here too long and you end up going back with, what.. $50K in savings? It’s a joke.

    .Japanese people have been conned into thinking it’s an egalitarian society where everyone slaves away on wages that don’t change for 30 years while in reality Tokyo has the second highest number of millionaires in any city in the world. The minimum wage in Oz is ~$23/hr while Tokyo pays ~$13. “Gambatte!” doesn’t pay the bills, boss.

    It’s a fun place to kick around in for a few years but the lock-down mindset on the employment front is a disaster.

  5. If you don’t have to work for someone else, Japan is heaven on earth, but I wouldn’t recommend staying if you plan on being an employee for the rest of your career.

  6. Based on the amount of thought put into this question, I don’t really think you should be making any decisions without parental consent.

  7. “I’m done with the party and the on the go life it gets too old for me.”

    On the go life? There are plenty of ways and places to settle down in Japan.

  8. How long were you in australia and where? Based on your responses you speak english well but it doesn’t seem like you’re a native speaker of english, so if you’re not white you might experience some racism. This is what I’ve heard from non-white non-native speaker acquaintances who’ve lived in australia.

  9. Honestly if you go to Australia my advice is to go to a regional area. If you can find the right industry and job you can have a good life.

    There is this girl that came over from Spain, has a government job and now has like three houses 😛

  10. Hihi! I am from Brisbane Australia. Also chillaxing in the r/brisbane sub.

    Everyday we get a post about people wanting to move here.

    But if you read the posts about renting, everyday someone will also post, you get first hand account of battlers whose rents are being increased markedly, and they cannot afford to pay.

    Vacancy rates in Brisbane less that o.5%.

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