Permission to work outside scope of current visa/while changing visa status?

hi, guys. another visa question for the pile.
i renewed my visa this spring when i changed jobs but due to #reasons, i’m job hunting again. i have a few interviews lined up but most of them would require changing my visa to a different status. so now i have to think about timing, especially if i want to begin working a new job as soon as possible.
my question is: has anyone here ever received permission to work outside their current visa while changing their visa status?
i did some research and found a few comments suggesting it might be possible but they’re buried in comments and a few comments are on deleted posts so I’m not sure what the original context was. i’ve found a few sites that suggest it might be possible but they mostly focus on students trying to work part-time…
if this isn’t possible… then i’m just going to have to play around with timing and hope everything plays out smoothly!
(i have a consultation in june to discuss this with an expert who will probably know more but it’s a ways off and i just like having some information before i go into these things.)

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