Should I mention that I’m trans in my SOP?

Hi, I’m currently applying for the JET program and am a transgender woman. Do you think it makes sense for me to talk about being trans in my statement of purpose? I could talk about things like being able to expose students to a different perspective and help them gain acceptance of a marginalized community. I would like to talk about it, because as I’m currently transitioning it’s a big part of who I am, and being trans almost stopped me from applying to this program because I was afraid of the discrimination I might face in Japan. I think there’s a compelling narrative there about overcoming my fear and helping to bring acceptance (or something like that I haven’t written it yet).

However, I’m worried that because this is Japan, that might come across as too taboo to bring attention to my gender identity. That the people reading my application might think I would fit in better in Japan if I just didn’t really talk about it. Basically I’m just worried that talking about it will hurt my chances of getting in to the program in some way, and would love if anyone has advice, or is trans/knows trans JETs who wrote about that in their SOP.

  1. You will be fine but its not something discussed in the workplace or with students. You’re there to bring cultural exchange, sexuality and gender is not culture. I have trans friends, trans students and trans Japanese teachers I work with, it is NEVER mentioned in the classroom. The only time it has been discussed is when a trans student came and asked the native teachers their thoughts on the topic and how to transition as a Japanese student in school. The vast majority of students do not care about it one bit. Japan is a private society and its seen as part of your private life, with your friends and outside of school you can do what you want. People don’t put their views onto others here, its not the done thing. That doesn’t mean people won’t accept you, its just that its not professional to bring it into the workplace. Live your life, be who you are naturally, you don’t need validation from children.. the fact you are there is enough to get their little brains ticking.

  2. Mention it in your medical forms (since access to HRT will likely be important for your placement) but I would not mention it otherwise.

    I know a handful of trans JETs here and no one has any issues day to day, but it is kept private. No one mentions it in their SOP because it is irrelevant to the job or their ability to teach.

  3. Not in your sop. Def in your medical section. As for discrimination and stuff, it won’t be as outright as in certain parts in America (my trans friend was straight up called a f-slur for wearing a pink shirt and this was before she transitioned). No one will go up and confront you as far as I can tell and what my friend has told me. They may be confused. They may be concerned. But more than likely they won’t know jow to ask and if they do they’re are simply asking. If anything bad happens you have the support of your supervisors or prefectoral advisors and fellow ALTs and such. More likely bc you are putting your hrt down in medical section, they will place you somewhere it is easy to get hrt, like Osaka or Tokyo, which have plenty of gay and trans people (japanese and non-japanese alike). Hope you go far. If you have any more specific questions feel free to ask me. I can also invite you to an lgbt+ jet discord for more support and more perspectives of being trans in japan

  4. One of Japan’s biggest comedian celebrities, Matsuko Deluxe, is a cross dressing gay man and he often speaks on LGBT issues. Obviously thats very different from being transgender but I think that’s the closest representation of transgenderism in Japan and they’ll likely use Matsuko as their base. So the only issue I can forsee, especially if you are MTF, is that they’ll think you are a gay man who likes to cross dress. But if they misgender you or refer to you as a man, it is purely out of ignorance on the topic and not meant to be malicious.

    I am a gay man and I chose to keep my sexuality hidden to all except my supervisor because she is very progressive, but I am personally ok with being in my Japanese closet to make my life easier. If for some reason there is a teacher or teachers in my school that are homophobic, they can make it as hard as possible for me to do my job with them.

    Honestly it’s up to you in the end. If you think you could be ok in a worst case scenario, then go for it! Acceptance level also depends a lot on where you are placed as well. If you end up in a well populated area with a lot of foreigners, you’ll likely face less discrimination but if you get placed in the inaka (countryside) you’ll likely be the hot topic in town for quite a while. All eyes will be on you, literally 😂

    This is a really tough situation so I wish you all the luck in the world friend ♥️

  5. I’m not a JET, but I am trans and I lurk here cause I’m friends with a few. Id say no don’t mention it, except in the medical section. I understand that being trans is a really powerful thing and I do think it provides a lot of insight into who you are which is nice, but as someone who has interviewed for jobs as a trans person and been rather open about it, I’d say that in most cases there is almost no benefit to doing so. People just want to know if you are competent and have a passion for something.

    As far as living in Japan as a trans person. Id say people I interact with don’t really realize that I’m trans or care. Most of my friends know because they’re friends, but being trans isnt something that is too openly discussed in other places, because it’s just not relevant.

    I understand your perspective because when I was in the thick of transitioning I felt similar to you, however, now that I’ve put a little more distance between then and now, I think talking so much about being trans likely cost me opportunities.

    Anyways, good luck!

  6. Thank you so much to everyone who responded, your advice and support are both really greatly appreciated!! The consensus is pretty clearly “don’t mention it”, which is more or less the answer I expected to get on this topic. With that in mind I have to actually go finish writing it now because the applications are due tonight lol, so good luck to everyone else out there applying!

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