How do you remember phrases?


It’s difficult for me to remember phrases. I’m a bit new to learning Japanese, but so far this seems to be one of the hard things for me.

I tried different methods:

-I tried to just repeat them many times and I end up remembering 3 out of 10 phrases 🙄
-I tried to learn what each word in the phrase means and this seems to be even more confusing. While I was learning English I was told to just remember the phrase as it is, to not translate it and to learn when and where to use it, so I know that’s not what you’re supposed to do.
-I tried to create little conversations with my cat 🙂 (he’s not answering, just looking at me funny).

Please, help the noob! 😿🙏

1 comment
  1. Start with learning the individual words in the phrase and what they mean. Use a flashcard app like anki to review them.

    Read about the grammar behind the phrase. If you don’t even know where to start to analyze the grammar of the phrase, then the phrase is probably too complex for you. Continue studying grammar from the basics and one day you’ll look at the phrase again and the meaning will be clear as day.

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