help with remember words

I don’t know if it’s just me but i can’t seem to recall words when i wanna use them but i can easily recall then when I see them. Is it just me or is there some tips or exercises i can do.

  1. So you find EN->JP more difficult than JP->EN? That’s normal. How are you currently learning vocab? Both ways?

  2. here’s how i remember words :

    * 睡眠薬 (suiminyaku) for sleeping pills, take the 睡眠 (suimin) part and think ‘suimin’ as ‘swimming’, so it’s the thing that you shouldn’t eat while swimming (sleeping pills).
    * 死後硬直 (shigokouchoku) for rigor mortis, take the 死後 (shigo) part and think ‘shigo’ as ’45’ in japanese ‘shigo’ and 硬直(kouchoku) part as 校長 (kouchou),so it’s [45 head teacher] or [the head teacher is found dead at 4:50]
    * 二重人格 (nijuujinkaku) for split personality, take the – 二重人(nijuujin) part and think as ’20 people’ and ‘kaku’ as hiding, so it’s hiding 20 people/personality

    hope this helps in some way!

  3. You have to speak and write texts if you want to increase your active vocabulary.

  4. These things helped me:

    – having more conversations in Japanese with a teacher or language partner if you have the opportunity. In each session, try to focus on one grammar point and associated vocab. Then practice it until it’s burned into your mind.

    – commenting out loud on what you are doing and things around you (when you are alone). “I’m washing the dishes” “Later I will go out for dinner”. Even if it sounds simple compared to your recognition level, it’s helpful to practice producing sentences on demand. It will also highlight gaps in your grammar knowledge.

    – drilling (out loud) lists of things like days of the week, counting variations, colours, seasons, methods of travel, etc.

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