Can anyone recommend a cook book towards high protein meals?

I need one based off of Japanese ingredients. Western books have to many special ingredients that I’d have to order online.

  1. Just add more protein ingredients to whatever you’re making.

    I recommend not getting too hung up on strict cookbook recipes, just keep making whatever sounds tasty to you, using whatever seasoning etc that you have, with the basic methods of sautéing, braising, etc. That’s part of the fun, and it’s the best way to learn. It will be edible, and whatever is missing or too much, you can add/remove next time.

  2. Does it have to be in English? Book shops sell all sorts of 高タンパク recipe books.

  3. You might wanna look into Kinako powder. High protein breakfast that mixed in some yogurt, berries, granola and some boiled or how ever you like your eggs. You could also just mix it in milk for a quick protein gain.

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