I’m searching for something to make Japanese a bit more competitive, to solve my lack of motivation.

Are there any apps that I can use to gamify Japanese in a competitive way? I was thinking of something that allows you to compete against others. It could be a time challenge or a high score, anything that allows me to compete with others. Somehow it’s easier for me to stay motivated when I can compete with others.

  1. The Moe Way discord server makes it learning it into more of a competitive aspect. I don’t know too much about it but I’ve been looking into about how they go about learning there. It’s about optimized learning, quizzes, rankings, output and input, data and statistics tracking, etc. Basically things gamers tend to do and focus on.

    [https://learnjapanese.moe/](https://learnjapanese.moe/) — Discord on top right. Not my cup of tea but I was interested in it so I was looking into how they go about doing things.

  2. Duolingo kinda does that but it doesn’t group people by language so it can be really annoying if you’re taking it seriously. There are leaderboards that pretty much group people by xp gained per week and leagues to progress through if you’re in the top 20 of each league when the week ends. Duolingo in general is very gameified and this helps with making practising more easily digestible and fun and it’s a great way to squeeze some practise in every day in bite sized pieces.

    Also, again, the Duolingo leaderboards don’t group people by language so it can be really annoying to work your ass off studying japanese only for some rando doing english lessons to blast past you and get first place. Also in the top leagues there’s a whole meta of people using the app specifically to get as much xp as possible and be at the top and any learning pretty much goes out the window so it’s not exactly productive to be too competitive with learning.

  3. Memrise has a semi-gamified leader board. You might like some of their time trials.

  4. Seconding TMW, also check out [Tadoku](https://tadoku.app/) which is a point based contest for both output and input. It supports a bunch of languages but most users are for Japanese from what I’ve seen. Participating in it has driven up my reading time a lot and its fun to try to keep up with the top rankers, although I usually fail miserably in that regard

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