Are the retail stores in Japan a lot more respected there than America?

By respected I mean do the customers put things nicely back on the hanger and don’t make messes in the stores for the workers.

  1. Depends because some stores that I went to in Tokyo and Nagoya, they were somewhat messy (just that the staff was more attentive and were busy making the store clean and neat). When I went to Otaru, though, the place was pretty clean for a touristy location and the staff didn’t do much (the people inside often made sure to straighten up after themselves)

  2. In general, yes. You occasionally see the remnants of lazy assholes, but for the most part people don’t make a mess of the retail displays.

    Also worth noting that the workers here are usually quicker about cleaning up any messes in the store than they are in the US.

  3. Usually there are only a few items on display/for handling and the item you get is unopened from the storeroom.

    But large, mass market stores like say Uniqlo, folks generally put things back nicely.

  4. I have experience in some staff members actively stopping me from putting things back so they could do it (despite me wanting to do it)

    Just depends on place

  5. In Japan, tidying up the mess is considered one of the most important jobs for the floor staff and you’re expected to do your job.

  6. It’s a whole :
    – people are acting better (because of social pressure mostly)
    – there is more staff (paid peanuts)
    – it’s important for the stores to be tidy, so staff are taking more care of it (while saying いらっしゃいませ every 5 seconds)


  7. Usually, customers put things back nicely and carefully but not perfectly, so clerks want their customers to leave things there and they put them back.

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