Threw my back out. Any recommends?

I got a lower lumbar hernia. It’s the worst. Back at work Monday but over the weekend I was totally incapacitated. Last time the doctor said I was too old and fat. For the record I’m 49, 185cm and 85kg so yeah overweight but not obese, and the excruciating pain I cannot handle.

For the record I told the guy

Last week I was also the same weight and I was as 7 days younger but my back was okay

And he got super pissy and was like okay go to another doctor.

I’m done with these spoiled prick “sensei”

Can anyone recommend a good doctor that speaks English well since Karuso quit. Specifically a good back doctor or chiropractor but a good doctor generally would be great

  1. I had a back spasm myself Monday morning while taking the laundry out of the machine. I feel for you.
    At least my doctor spared me the “this happened because you’re fat so lose weight fatty” speech (for the record I am morbidly obese and am trying to work on it).

    Don’t hitch your horse too strongly to the English speaking doctors. Most doctors have basic English abilities and google translate is a decent crutch. You already know the jist of the problem and what you want done about it right?

  2. Need to stretch your back and other muscles more. Recently I got gravity boots and use them when I can in a local park. You can look into that. They’re 3000 yen about.

  3. Don’t go to a chiropractor unless a doctor recommends one. They highly likely won’t.

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