Planning to move to Japan. JLPT exams and tips?

Hi! I’m a female (almost in my 30s if thag helps) from the Philippines planning to move to Japan in a few years. I have lived there for about a year a few years back as a Japanese language school student and have taken and passed the N3 level in the JLPT exams but decided to go home (not pursue work) due to personal reasons after a year of study.

It has been years since and my Japanese is very rusty. I am thinking of the best route to be able to get a decent job there; like is studying a refresher course online and also studying for N2 (and if possible, also N1) online here in the Philippines then taking the exams either here or there while on a student visa, the best route?

I am thinking of going there on a student visa route, perhaps taking up some business level Japanese or enrolling in a 専門学校 (if I can pass the test from here) while doing some アルバイト on the side; while I’m a student there, I’ll keep an eye on job opportunities I can apply for after graduation.

Or should I just directly learn N2 level there? If anyone has any studying tips as well as tips career-wise as well as other aspects on how to make the most out of living in Japan as a foreigner it would be highly appreciated!

Thank you!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Planning to move to Japan. JLPT exams and tips?**

    Hi! I’m a female (almost in my 30s if thag helps) from the Philippines planning to move to Japan in a few years. I have lived there for about a year a few years back as a Japanese language school student and have taken and passed the N3 level in the JLPT exams but decided to go home (not pursue work) due to personal reasons after a year of study.

    It has been years since and my Japanese is very rusty. I am thinking of the best route to be able to get a decent job there; like is studying a refresher course online and also studying for N2 (and if possible, also N1) online here in the Philippines then taking the exams either here or there while on a student visa, the best route?

    I am thinking of going there on a student visa route, perhaps taking up some business level Japanese or enrolling in a 専門学校 (if I can pass the test from here) while doing some アルバイト on the side; while I’m a student there, I’ll keep an eye on job opportunities I can apply for after graduation.

    Or should I just directly learn N2 level there? If anyone has any studying tips as well as tips career-wise as well as other aspects on how to make the most out of living in Japan as a foreigner it would be highly appreciated!

    Thank you!

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  2. student route is the best, even if you got n1 or n2 its mostly useless without actually fluent speaking, the certificate will only show you the door, unless you want factory/construction etc. workers, then jlpt alone isn’t enough unless you’re in tech

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