Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (June 17, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. (1) えきのまえにちいきいスーパーときれいなこうえんがあります。

    If I switch ちいさい to ちいきい, how much will the sentence change? Or will there be no difference at all?

    (2) それは「どこ」のとけいですか。

    I was wondering why どこwas used?

  2. Does anyone know why the second sentence is unnatural?



  3. I came across “でっけー” which was translated as big but I can’t find it in the dictionary, so is it a shortened version of だい(大) something?

  4. Hi

    I am writing a story in which there are character whose job is Runecrafter.

    What would you choose to refer to them ?

    A ルーンクラフトたち

    B ルーンクラフト職人たち

    C ルーン職人たち

    Thanks 🙂

  5. Hello!

    I have a question about 先祖. This is translated as ancestors, but it seems Japan is way more connected to their 先祖 than British people are connected to their ancestors? Is this just my thinking? I am British btw.

    I suppose it comes from events like Obon. To me, ancestors are very very very distant relatives from the past who I do not know whereas 先祖 could be your grandpa who passed away recently. Am I right in thinking this? It just seems like there’s quite a difference between the meanings of the two words. Please correct me if I’m wrong! Thank you!

  6. Could I have some help identifying the subject please?

    ヨーロッパ内で遠距離恋愛中の彼がバイセクシュアルをカミングアウト & オープンリレーションシップと3P(3some)を持ちかけられた

    The boyfriend is marked by が, so I am assuming he is the one that “proposed” the idea of バイセクシュアルをカミングアウト & オープンリレーションシップと3P(3some). What I don’t understand is why he is not marked by に. It makes the sentence more confusing

    Also, why is the writer switching between と and & ?

  7. Is there any real difference between asking a question like 終わったら何するの? with and without the の?Is there a situation where one would be wrong?

    Being concerned about using の appropriately will haunt me til I die I swear

  8. 今公園でのんびりしてるw


    Taking it easy at the park doesn’t strike me as particularly “graceful/ elegant”. Is my understanding of 優雅 wrong, or did I use のんびり incorrectly? Or is it just an over the top reply no matter what language you translate it to?

  9. ソンツシワフキチテ

    I just started learning Japanese and I… have no idea how I’m going to distinguish them from each other quickly when reading

  10. きょうはあたたかいですね。さて、きのうのおはなしですが~

    Is this kind of さて just the polite conversation version of てか?Could it be replaced with そういえば here?

  11. 15分ほど早い方が安心だと思います

    Which use of ほど is this? Would




    Be ungrammatical / change the meaning?

  12. For sentences about the future etc am I correct in thinking that 着る is like “put on” and 着ている can be like “wear” (rather than only “wearing”)?

    And that’s why something like


    Is okay even though it’s unintuitive to English thinking pattern if we expect it to be similar to “wearing” rather than “wear”?

    And on that note


    is fine but 着ている would be odd, right?

  13. could someone explain me what exactly this で is doing?


  14. I have come across this sentence online, but I have no clue what it means 私が何をしようと勝手でしょ.

    The website claims it translates as “What does it look like I’m doing?”, but I’m not sure if that’s the actual translation.

    Is “what will I do” a correct translation for “私が何をしよう”? And although I have a rough understanding of what 勝手 means, I don’t know what the pattern *sentence*と勝手 means.

  15. Are 悲しみ and 哀しみ same or is there a nuanced difference? Both mean sadness.

  16. What is the difference between using ですか and んですか? Are んです and のです the same?


    From what I understand, using ん is asking for an explanation. Is using simply です just for a yes/no answer?

    いいですか? Yes, it is.

    いいのですか? Yes, it’s so good because the flavour is so nice.

  17. Having a hard time understanding the sentence “社長は、自分の娘が結婚するのは幸男だと、かなり前から考えていたのです。”

    Does it roughly mean “Because the company president thought long before (for a long time?) about his daughter marrying Yukio” ? The part after (and including) かなり前 confuses me.

  18. How do you form the past? Bunpro is kinda confusing me.
    I thought it was with かった. However, on Bunpro, the sentence was “I read a book yesterday” and I inputted 昨日、本よむかった。 However, the correct answer was 昨日、本をよんだ。That looks present tense to me, not past. I also don’t understand why 読む turned into 読ん

  19. How do you form the past? Bunpro is kinda confusing me.

    I thought it was with かった. However, on Bunpro, the sentence was “I read a book yesterday” and I inputted 昨日、本よむかった。 However, the correct answer was 昨日、本をよんだ。That looks present tense to me, not past. I also don’t understand why 読む turned into 読ん. Thank you.

  20. Hello, I got a question about スルーしてる.

    Context: A boy asked a girl out, she said okay and they went to her house, but they didn’t did the deed (she asked, he declined) and the next day his friends asked how the confession went. He told them all about it and they responded that he missed his only chance, she is just playing with him and not really seeing him as her boyfriend and also the following

    I read about the スルー and it seems it can mean 無視する (he ignored/let pass his chance) or 通り抜ける (he is going through the whole idea of beeing truly her boyfriend) but I don’t know how to differentiate between both in this context.

    My thoughts were if it would mean 無視する it would be スルーした not スルーしてる since it was at the previous day. But at the same time I think that if it were 通り抜ける then there wouldn’t be a need for スルーしてる and it could just be 彼氏面してるんだよ.

    What is the correct meaning and more important what is a indication/clue for the correct meaning here?

  21. So I was watching mha and I came across 没個性, 個性 meaning “quirk” it is basically the power system but what does 没 mean here? It was translated as “crappy quirks” in the manga and as “rejects” in the anime, and I can’t wrap my head around its meaning in jisho can someone help me understand it?

  22. 日本語の勉強は難しいですが、お酒を飲みながら勉強するのは簡単です。



    (feel free to correct my bad Japanese, thank you)

  23. Sorry guys, I’m back again with another stupid question. I’m on page 94 of Genki 1 where they want you to change verbs into their ~ます and ~ません forms as well as add in key words.

    For example, they give you “coffee” “cafe” and “3:00” as key words. And from there you write something like “カフェで三時にコーヒーを飲みます”.
    Or they will say “Japanese (language)” “college” “every day” and I will write “大学生でまいにち日本語話せます”

    My problem is I have no real way to check my answers. I sort of just put my butchered sentences into google translate and tinker with them until they translate properly to English. Is there an online resource somewhere that I could compare my answers against? I’m worried that a combination of my own ineptitude and the shortcomings of MTL will end up with some pretty weird results down the road.

  24. Is there a word for “made up” or non-standard kanji readings? For example, in a game I played a character who seems to be a reverse-weaboo (is there a word for this too?) had dialogue that included 私達 with the furigana ウィ. I also remember hearing Calliope Mori‘s first name was officially spelled 美声, after the Greek origin for the word, with the reading カリオペ before just being changed to katakana because it was a “non-standard reading”

  25. Just to begin with Japanese, should I learn Romaji, Katanaka or Kanji?

    * I mean Hiragana I don’t even know the naames yet

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