Buying travel packages and bailing on hotel? (Resident)

I’m looking to travel from Tokyo to Osaka round trip while staying a night at a friend house, and while looking at shinkansen tickets I realized a lot of the packages that include a hotel are often cheaper than just booking from ekinet or smart ex.

I was wondering if I’m missing something here, but has anyone bought those packages and simply not check into the hotel? There are round trip packages without hotel stay, but these are all 日帰りas far as I can tell, and I don’t see any round trip discounts from ekinet or smart ex directly.

Wild to me this is a potential option, but hopefully there arent some taboos I’m missing.

  1. If these packages are taking advantage of 全国旅行支援, then I believe that you have to at least check into the hotel to qualify for the discount that you are taking advantage of. What you do between check in and check out is your business, though.

  2. Normally you would just check in and told the staff that you won’t be here for the night.

  3. >but these are all 日帰りas far as I can tell

    It’s not always. Usually it’s 1 night at hotel, but you can choose the return date to be further in the future. The rest of the days will be free to choose your own accommodation

    I went on one of those packages, stayed one night at the hotel, and returned a bit over 1 week after

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