Living in Hebel(Asahi Kasei) Mansion

Anyone has experience living in apartments by Asahi Kasei (Hebel mansion)? I understand these are relatively new on rent market. Any information on soundproofing, management, quality?

  1. It’s all relative, but in my opinion they are above the average overall.


    1) usually small-sized, for 2-6 households, which gives them the advantages of apaato, where you don’t feel like living in the middle of a busy street.

    2) they have windows! For some reason it’s the recent tendency to build bunker rooms nowadays, but Hebel House housing is pretty sane and usually their layouts add windows where possible.

    3) humidity and weather isolation is good. Their wall tiles are solid and greatly help with humidity. When it comes to temperature, they are slightly better than a basic apaato, but worse than concrete mansions.


    1) it also depends on your management company, but in my case the house feels cheap. Maybe not with the cheapest materials like it would be in apaato, but still everything is wonky.

    2) sound isolation could be better, both ways.

    3) relatively liveable layouts lead to questionable engineering decisions, such as hot water pipes travelling under the whole house to reach the kitchen.

    Overall they are good enough.

  2. As the other person said they are decent. The ones I’ve seen and lived in only have about 6 or so apartments in the whole building, and my building is about 12 years old? Mine has amenities like double glazed windows and delivery box, the balcony is a nice size and there are some nice hedges and trees in the front. Generally it feels private enough. I don’t often hear my neighbors unless they dropped something heavy. Most of the apartment’s larger windows don’t face the street, so it feels private and quiet. Things like separate toilet room, bidet, recessed lighting, and air conditioner may be common and were included with mine. It felt very modern for it to be nearly a decade old when I moved in, as far as I’m aware it wasn’t ever fully renovated.

    My management cleans the outer common areas weekly and keeps the hedges/shrubs in the front of the building and trash area very neat. They regularly keep us updated on who to contact if we have issues and fixed an exterior light very quickly when it went out. My only complaint is perhaps the ventilation system, one of my neighbors smokes and if I have the range exhaust fan on too long after cooking maybe it is sucking up that air and bringing it into my apartment, not sure what’s going on there. I also think the insulation could be better but I hear concrete buildings are better for that in general.

  3. Been living in one for 3 years. The mansion block was new when we moved, so it was not just us but the other 5-6 neighbors as well. Ok materials, good noise insulation but almost none for thermals. Public area gets cleaned regularly. Wifi is included in the management costs

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