Do new landlords have to honour existing contracts?

My apartment, which is one among six in standalone block, has had a new change of owner. The previous owner was a private individual and it was amicably run by his daughter and son-in-law. The building has now been sold. The new owner is also a private individual, but they are employing a local management company to collect rent etc.

In an email with notification of change of owner, the departing landlord has said our current contract (no fixed term) will be honoured by the new owner.

We have nothing signed from the new owners, we have just been informed post-sale (as apparently stipulated as part of their deal). Realistically, I can’t see any severe issues, eviction is unlikely as there is no interest in the property being anything other than separate rental apartments in a very quiet residential area.

However, any useful advice, or references to ombudsman or public resources would be appreciated. Just in case.

  1. Sounds like there are no problems and nothing has changed (on your part) what do you want advice on exactly?

    In general, renters in japan have a lot of rights and power compared to other countries where they’re often at the greedy will of their landlord.

  2. Legally the new owner must honor the contract. If they have plans for your apartment, their only recourse is to bribe you to move. The appropriate amount of money for this depends on a lot of factors, such as your behavior as a tenant, the make up of your family, how long you have lived there and the difficulty of finding something similar nearby.

  3. >references to ombudsman

    that escalated quickly. Also what would an ombudsman really have to do with this?

    assuming you have a normal rental contract, the new landlord **must** honor it and is bound by it. It’s one of the things they assume in buying the property (here “assume” means to take on). There’s no need to get a new signature or new contract.

  4. Legally the new owner must honor the contract. (but can change the new contract)

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