
I’m sitting at like 128kg and really struggling to lose the weight thanks to my mental health, which is suffering because of my weight. I’ve been researching various GLP-1 meds and clinics and feeling discouraged. Most of what I’m finding are like weight loss ‘clinics’ and plastic surgery like places that are prescribing out of insurance. I’m a broke student, and while I desperately need the medication, I cant afford anything not within insurance. Any suggestions on where to actually get help for this or good alternatives? (if it helps, I’m in the Yokohama area but I go to school in Tokyo.)

  1. If you want to lose weight with medical intervention, it is unlikely they will go straight to GLP-1.

    You’ll likely be first sent to or contacted by a dietitian, as well as having a check of things like your thyroid etc. Also, like in other countries, most medical professionals will ask you to lose a little weight on your own before going down the invasive route.

    If you are a university student, you might be able to approach the student health center for help. Otherwise ask at your local clinic/naika.

    The medical system will help you but not in the way you want I’m afraid.

  2. I’m on it but I pay out of pocket. I’m not even sure its an approved drug here for weight loss. Pretty sure every doctors here unless you have a *true medical reason to be fat will just refer you to a counselor which you tell you to stop eating like a fatass. I think my advice was always to control my portion size and eat less fatty foods from the doctor and work out.

    I tend be fucking stupid so my weight ranges from 74-93kg +- 10kg a year generally. due to going hardcore dieting and working out and then just being a fat fuck again and not working out. So far its been good it makes me want to throw up every time I eat any food and never hungry.

  3. I also have weight issues due to mental health issues.

    I called [this place]( on the weekend actually, but I was advised that I would probably only lose about 3-4kg in a month and the GLP1 was like 2man a month.

    But, I started losing weight last month by portion control (absolutely no snacks, including sugary drinks) and exercise and I was down 4.4kg. I decided the medication isn’t really worth it and to just stick to traditional means of weight loss.

  4. Sounds easier said than done, but you need to analyse your relationship with food. Figure out what your particular issue is and rectify. It’s hard. But it can be done. I did it and am still doing it everyday

  5. Hey OP, my situation will no way be comparable to yours, but maybe some pointers might help. I clocked 100kg in 2021 (pandemic, job loss, complete isolation at home, all took a heavy toll). I started by changing my diet gradually. At first it really sucked, because I was eating a lot of comfort food and huge portions, but I begrudgingly powered through it.  I completely cut myself from processed, fried and breaded food (*pizza, bacon and karaage were the hardest to let go!*).

    I stopped drinking alcohol daily, by reducing it to 2 cans a week, then just stopping altogether after a while. I stopped drinking pop, just lots of lemon water with a dash of honey to stave off the tartness. I started replacing things like rice, noodles etc with steamed cabbage, broccoli, carrots, eggplant and mushrooms, to give my belly the sense of fullness it needed. I only had lean protein, fish and chicken breast.

    My meals were mostly all the above-mentioned ingredients in a broth, usually flavored with South East Asian pastes like Tom Yum or Nasi Goreng. Eventually, I reduced my meals to a light breakfast; 5 tbsp of high fibre bran flakes mixed with half of the small low fat yogurt container. My lunch is typically a cucumber and lettuce salad with a boiled egg, 1 canned tuna (water based). Dinner is small, Japan size portion now, with the same ingredients I mentioned earlier. 

    I also started walking around a lot, listening to podcasts while at it. I started with just doing 1km, then after a few days added one more km etc., now I average about 10kms daily walking around my neighborhood. Took some time since 2021, but I measured 80kgs a few weeks back, I can’t remember the last time I was that weight. My height is about 6’2 so my BMI is now in the optimal range after a long time. The key is just starting with small consistent changes and powering through them, even on days you feel it’s not working. I really hope it works out for you.

  6. Do you have to do an annual health check? After a health check last year, I was contacted by the health check office and they wanted me to talk to a dietitian. I had a Zoom meeting in English in the evening. They talked about my health and my goals. They also told me some foods I should eat and shouldn’t eat based on my health check. All follow up correspondence were by email. They asked me about my eating habits, exercise, etc. They sometimes asked me for to measure my weight and waist every few weeks. I think my health check this year was a bit better. It was all free, so maybe it is something you can look into.

  7. I’m currently taking Ozempic, which I got from [here]( The side effects are madness, and it doesn’t come cheap. Not covered by insurance, unfortunately.

    10/10 would not recommend.

  8. An I missing something?
    When I search GLP1 it seems you can even get it online?

  9. As far as I know GLP-1 is only approved for treatment if you have diabetes but it is not approved as weight loss drug in Japan. So it will not be covered by health insurance here. Also depending on the dosis you require the cost will vary greatly. But even the lowest dosage will be about 20,000 Yen a month.

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