Verify Amazon Seller Being a Foreigner

Hello, I want to ask does anyone has successfully verified the Amazon Seller Account being a foreigner.

I wonder about the process here, when I create the account I select the country of citizenship Canada,
and now all my ID documents type is as per Canadian standards. I uploaded my Passport too but got rejected with the reason that ID needs to be Japanese.

Is there any way to upload my Resident Card as ID proof?
I appreciate any help related to this. Thanks

1 comment
  1. If you do not have a spouse visa or PR, than its illegal for you to engage in *business activities~~~* ♪

    But seriously though, if you don’t realize that you need to have a business account in Japan for Amazon Japan, I highly doubt you know enough about the tax implications and visa implications for trying to run a business, let alone are legally allowed to do so.

    You risk being *deported ~~~* ♪ for engaging in activities outside the scope of your residency.

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