Kanji in Context Experience?

I’ve actually owned this book set for a while, but have procrastinated diving in. Has anyone used (ideally, completed) the book as instructed, doing the workbook exercises etc, and did you find you retained the information and improved your kanji recognition and associated vocab? Did you also make/use an Anki deck, or just the book?

I’m not a beginner with kanji, but I’ve had a bit of a scattered approach, having first done about 35 levels of Wanikani, then stopping to focus on reading and picking up the rest along the way. I’ve found my retention of both previously learned and newly learned kanji seems to be going down with time, so I’m thinking a new approach is worth a shot. I’m currently using KKLC and a heavily customized pre-made deck to study kanji as I come across them in real life. Success is mixed.


1 comment
  1. I have used other vocabulary books.

    One issue with advancing vocabulary is that the kanji and words tend to be more difficult and less frequent.

    Also, there is some disconnect among beginner: kanji, vocabulary, textbooks. Even in Tokyo-language schools it is a bumpy ride for a while. Eventually, the “disconnect” fades away but IME, it takes some effort.

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