Itinerary Check (July 7 – 14)

So the previous trip of April got delayed till July, and a few days were added as well, so the itinerary has changed a bit:

**July 7**

* depart @ 9:51AM

**July 8**

* arrive @ 3:35 PM
* Get out of Haneda
* arrive at hotel
* food/sleep

**July 9 (2 Shrines Attempt)**

* Leave @ 7 AM (trying to avoid rush hour)
* Meiji Shrine (possibly crepes)
* detour to Hachiko Statue
* head to Sensoji & Nakamise Street (hopefully open)
* hop on over to Tokyo Skytree

**July 10**

* Animate Ikebukuro
* Nakano Broadway
* Gundam Unicorn / Base

**July 11**

* Akihabara

**July 12**

* tea shop
* LUSH Shinjuku?
* Street Kart

**July 13**

* Mt. Fuji

**July 14**

* depart 11 AM
* arrive 3:04 PM


Please tell me if it’s a bit too jam-packed. I forgot that we were arriving the 8th not the 7th, so I had to move things around.

It seems that for most of the days we’ll either have the mornings or afternoons open so that will leave time for relaxation and wandering around I think.

  1. Well… I mean… okay, let’s assume that flights are running and travel bans are lifted! I have a few questions and suggestions:

    Where are you staying? The compulsion to sleep will be strong upon arrival, but Japan’s nightlife is *strong*, and this is whether you enjoy clubbing, bar hopping, pachinko, or game centres. My first night, I always spend a few hours hopping around between game centres.

    Perhaps consider rearranging your days and activities to minimize travel time… something like this:

    1) Meiji Shrine, Shinjuku, Hachiko/Shibuya Crossing, Street Karts

    2) Nakano, Ikebukuro (MUCH more to do in Ikebukuro than just Animate, which is awesome!)

    3) Senso-ji/Nakamise, Skytree/Solamachi

    4) Akiharaba/Odaiba

    5) Mt. Fuji

    Just a few thoughts.

  2. I plan on going in July aswell do you think the pandamic will be over by that month. I hope so at least.

  3. I think you underestimate this whole pandemic. You’d very likely be expected to be in quarantine for 14 days so this trip makes no sense. You should’ve postponed it till say November at the earliest and that’s being optimistic.

  4. I highly, highly, highly doubt that you’re going to be able to travel by July. With the way things are going, Rona is going to be with us for some time still. Over here in Tokyo, we are only now starting to see the early spread of the disease. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

  5. I think July is pushing it too. Unfortunately I think Japan has been too slow in responding to the virus, and we’re not likely to get back to normality for several months more.

    In case I’m wrong:

    July 10 looks a bit too spread out. Are you a big anime fan? Akihabara is the capitol for pop culture, so it covers that for most visitors… I’d only recommend Nakano if you are interested in old school and 2nd hand anime merch (Akihabara has some too), and I wouldn’t bother about Ikebukuro if Animate is your only destination.

    Instead, spend your day in Odaiba. Other than the Gundam, there are tons of other attractions like Teamlabs, museums, Odeo onsen Monogatari, etc. You can easily spend the whole day there.

    And for Mt Fuji, what do you actually want to do there? It’s a huge region so you need to be fairly clear what you want to see and do if you’re only giving it 1 day.

  6. Sorry OP but that is pointless. Plan Autumn for the earliest. It’s just starting over there and it’s not even about your own country currently, but Japan.

  7. I’ve pushed my April trip to April 2021 and I’m still concerned that I might have to push to April 2022. International travel will likely not recover until a vaccine is available. There is no way a July trip is happening. Don’t make travel plans for anywhere beyond your living room.

  8. I was supposed to 2 weeks ago but I cancelled it, now I’m planning to go this November

  9. I doubt borders will be open in July. Shit I doubt borders will be open before the end of the year.

  10. I’m booked in for the thing that is now being held next year – due to fly in on 31st July and leave on 16th August. 100% non refundable flights so I am actually hoping they get cancelled and its not some holiday to a half lock down situation to see something that’s not happening 🙈

  11. Your schedule is pretty light. Usually when people post the “is this too much ?” question there’s a huge number of stops in a day. I think what you have is good and leaves you plenty of time to explore things that interest you as you come across them.

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