Attending a technical college for game art

Hi everyone, I’m considering attending Fukuoka College of Design and Technology to set me up for a career in game art in Japan. I couldn’t find anything on foreigners’ experience in going into a career using a technical school, so I was wondering if you all know if this would be a good way to support me in entering the field? Especially since I would be able to improve my Japanese when interacting with peers and hopefully gain connections within the industry.

This is just an idea and I’m not dead set but I don’t find my country’s game industry very interesting (US). I know it is highly competitive, but I don’t doubt my skills however I do doubt getting a job because I would be a foreigner and also I’m a woman.

I would appreciate if you tell it to me straight about any pros and cons, and don’t worry about sounding mean. Thanks a bunch!

also if the school is a scam it would be good to know lol)

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Attending a technical college for game art**

    Hi everyone, I’m considering attending Fukuoka College of Design and Technology to set me up for a career in game art in Japan. I couldn’t find anything on foreigners’ experience in going into a career using a technical school, so I was wondering if you all know if this would be a good way to support me in entering the field? Especially since I would be able to improve my Japanese when interacting with peers and hopefully gain connections within the industry.

    This is just an idea and I’m not dead set but I don’t find my country’s game industry very interesting (US). I know it is highly competitive, but I don’t doubt my skills however I do doubt getting a job because I would be a foreigner and also I’m a woman.

    I would appreciate if you tell it to me straight about any pros and cons, and don’t worry about sounding mean. Thanks a bunch!

    also if the school is a scam it would be good to know lol)

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  2. You speak about improving your Japanese, but it seems like the entire degree (and entrance exam) would be in Japanese. Would it be good enough to do that? 🙂

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