Scholarships or other ways of getting loans for a foreign student in Japan

Hello, I’m a college student from Pennsylvania, USA.
I went to community college in my city for two years and was accepted to International Christian University in Mitaka as a transfer student for two years. I am scheduled to go in August.

However, I have issues with getting student loans. I looked on a lot of websites and ICU is not a supported school with American student loans, and it seems like I can’t get a loan if I tried due to my special situation. Is there any way of getting a loan from the government or some other organization for a foreign university like my situation?

My school has scholarships you can apply for after entrance, and I know of the Japanese loans such as JASSO, but my parents make above average (about $400k a year in total) and I feel like I would be rejected because of that. I will probably still apply, but my parents are very heavy on me applying for student loans right now, so I wanted to see if that route was available first.

Thank you.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Scholarships or other ways of getting loans for a foreign student in Japan**

    Hello, I’m a college student from Pennsylvania, USA.
    I went to community college in my city for two years and was accepted to International Christian University in Mitaka as a transfer student for two years. I am scheduled to go in August.

    However, I have issues with getting student loans. I looked on a lot of websites and ICU is not a supported school with American student loans, and it seems like I can’t get a loan if I tried due to my special situation. Is there any way of getting a loan from the government or some other organization for a foreign university like my situation?

    My school has scholarships you can apply for after entrance, but my parents make above average (about $400k a year in total) and I feel like I would be rejected because of that. I will probably still apply, but my parents are very heavy on me applying for student loans.

    Thank you.

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  2. >My school has scholarships you can apply for after entrance, and I know of the Japanese loans such as JASSO

    Aside from those: No, not really. Student loans for foreigners aren’t really a thing. If student loans are an absolute necessity then maybe studying in Japan isn’t in the cards right now.

    Though I’m frankly a little bit confused. If your parents make $400k a year ***why are you looking at loans?*** Scholarships, sure. That makes sense. But *loans*? For studying abroad, which is crazy expensive? That makes no sense whatsoever.

  3. Unfortunately aside from any program your school has and JASSO, there’s not really anything for foreign students.

    This is one of the advantages of studying in the US an a US citizen— there are more loan and scholarship programs open to you. That is the trade off.

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