Opening times in Japan confusion

I’m in Kyoto currently and the opening times of some bars both written down and spoken to me have confused me. May be more a culture thing than language thing.

Opening times: 17:30- 27:00 and 16:00-25:00

  1. If you are asking about the going beyond the 24 hour clock thing, it is listed this way when it is a set block of time without any breaks in between.

    When the time goes past the current day, the remaining time is added on to 24

    So 17:30 – 27:00 means

    5:30pm (today) – 3:00am (the next day)

    16:00 – 25:00 means

    4:00pm (today) – 1:00am (the next day)

    The next day part is the specific thing that going beyond 24 is telling you.

  2. There’s a cinema in Shinjuku that’s open all night and their timetable goes up to 30:00. Always thought that was more confusing than just saying 6:00

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