Side jobs extra cash?

Anyone had any luck working part time at night or found online work or cash jobs for extra income here in Japan on top of their full time job?

My Japanese isnt bad but its probably not great enough to have to work customer service. Has anyone found a job that they do casually that gives them some extra spending money?

  1. If you can code, your best bet is developing tools/plugins and selling them.

    I have a shop selling tools and in the peak (when the tools were new and were not yet built in features in the software they were meant for) I was selling anywhere between 200-400k per month. Black Friday sales alone would give me an easy 500k in a few days.

    I haven’t updated the tools in about 4 years but it’s still making me 15-30k a month (17.833yens exactly in June, 20.611 in May, 30.331 in April, etc) without doing anything.

    Money is decreasing over time since I’m too lazy to update them/make new stuff that will sell but considering It’s money I get for work I did once 6-7years ago, It’s still a nice extra to have.

    If you have a skill that you can turn into a passive income, go for it. A friend of mine is selling pictures of Japan on stock photography websites. It doesn’t make much but, it’s pictures he took and edited for his personal enjoyment. Making some cash from them is just an extra for him.

  2. I converted all my savings to crypto and put them in a yield farm, which is now down 80% but pays me $12 a day. Let me know if you need more amazing investment advice.

  3. Network (preferably in Japanese). Meet rich people and establish rapport. Offer English “lessons” on Zoom (basically chatting). I’ve met 4 people this way and they pay me anywhere between 6000-9000 yen for a 45 minute chat on Zoom in English. They’re all single, above 50, highly educated and have more money than they know what to do with (inheritance, passive business income, etc.) Easy money and I learn a lot from them as well.

  4. With the major markets deep down in red /bear, if you have cash, you might want to invest them in value stocks or index ETF later this year and hold them for years, better return guaranteed than bank savings.
    *not investment advice

  5. If you can draw maybe you can do commissions for the vtuber community (English).

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