Weekly Complaint Thread – 01 June 2023

As per every Thursday morning—this week’s complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissed you off.


Rules are simple—you can complain/moan/winge about anything you like, small or big. It can be a personal issue or a general thing, except politics. It’s all about getting it off your chest. Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

  1. I got sick recently and went to the hospital, for some reason they insisted on getting a copy of my 在留カード. I had the worst headache of my life at the time so I just wanted to get things over with and handed the card over, but now it kinda pisses me off. They already had my insurance card, I am pretty sure they don’t need the residence card for anything.

    As far as I can recall I’ve never been asked for the residence card at any hospital/doctor in the past, just this hospital. Predictably, the doctor who saw me was the worst, refused to speak Japanese for some reason and was just rude in general. Never going back there.

  2. Spent close to 5000-yen on just pasta, flour, sugar and salt, seasonings, condiments, a few veggies, laundry and dish detergents, and coffee beans. Haven’t even bought meat and rice yet.

    Some things are getting a bit too expensive, yo’.

  3. Weak yen, low wages, and long work hours are making it really hard to justify staying here.

  4. Does every Japanese commercial( YouTube, radio, TV). have to be so f…in. loud and obnoxious…

  5. Not Japan’s fault but holy fuck it’s going to cost $6,000 cnd to visit my family for two weeks in August. Wtf… Plane tickets alone.. 😭

  6. Not really a complaint, but something that’s baffling me. Why on earth are families doing 7-5-3 in the springtime?

  7. Wife: Turn off the lights we’re wasting money!

    Also wife: spend 10k yen on stuff we don’t need.

    Every time I bring up that we need to focus less on turning off the light, which honestly we probably don’t even notice on the bill, and more on buying shit we don’t need it’s like she never hears me. Frustrating shit. I keep the water on when washing dishes and suddenly it’s my fault for the water price and not the 30 loads of laundry she runs every day. Ugh.

  8. Coming back to the work force as a parent of a small one, means less protection.

    Son is hospitalized with hMPV complications and you feel you can’t breathe so your doctor tells you to take a day off from your part time job to recover?

    You are being treated like you don’t want to work and all of a sudden complaints only come when you need that time to recover. Power and mata hara implied is just an issue here.

    The complaint was valid. It was over my wrong assumption that was allowed to continue for over a month…with no comment. Why bring it up now? My mistake should have been corrected earlier. Way earlier. My mistake legit was a legit mistake and nothing intentional. Communicate the first 1-3 times you see it, not after 15. I do not want my company to look bad.

  9. Need to get a garage certificate so a car dealership can change the name on the paperwork. Have been trying to contact my landlord for several days now and I have received zero response. Tried texting and calling and I just get nothing. I have contacted her on this exact same number before and received replies but this time, nothing. Just want to get my car man.

  10. hey weather kami-sama of Japan, can you not make it hot AND raining? Like make that an EXCLUSIVE OR? Please?

    Also not necessarily a complaint, but as an English course student I should NOT require LESS translation than the Japanese course (foreign) students… Also conversely I know at least one Japanese course student whose English is better than some English course students.

  11. On the Shinkansen yesterday from Kyoto to Tokyo I was stuck in the back of the car with some tourists small, white dog literally howling the entire ride 🙃

  12. So like. When do you actually get to live a meaningful life? Cuz it feels to me, like you’re expected to balance 8+ spinning plates at a time and none of those include yourself. (edit: also I’m sorry this accidentally turned into a creative writing exercise, guess I do have time after all)

    Shop for groceries, cook your meals, clean the dishes. Keep the room clean and do laundry. Well, sure but all *good* humans exercise for 45+ minutes a day, so you should too. And you “want” to make *more* so it’s important to “invest” time in yourself and learn hirable skills, right? Better spend at least an hour a day learning a skill to help your career chances.

    What, you don’t spend time coordinating outfits and keeping up on current trends? Do you even *care* that other people have to look at you? If you can’t afford more than UNIQLO, then really you should be trying to find a new job to do so. At least 3 applications a day. Don’t reuse cover letters, that’s lazy.

    Listen, if you’re not meditating at least 20 minutes a day, you’re not prioritizing your mental health. Speaking of, there’s no shame in having a therapist and a lot of shame in not having one so you should probably work harder to get a better job then the one you just got. Ideally you’ll get another therapist to counter the stress needed from the extra job to pay for the first, and continue the process recursively.

    Love. Are you talking to people? Like really listening and trying? Authenticity is key. Of course, you should also be attending circles and meetups so you can meet someone, even if you’re not interested in the activity. Money and personality attract, so spend time on yourself so that other people can know that you care about yourself caring about them caring about you caring about them.

    My god, you don’t have your coffin and burial plot purchased yet? Gosh, you’re pushing it late. What were you doing with all your time? Poor sap, you spent all your time working and grinding. You never stopped to smell the roses. Take in a sunset. Some people don’t know how to *appreciate* life. If only they’d work a little harder at appreciating the little things.

    Dear lord almighty, you didn’t prep for afterlife jobs? The living world is only an internship for the next phase of soulful employment. How much chi have you put into your Roth IRA??? You need to start saving NOW or you’ll never be able to buy a transcessional pyre on Vishu Garmora’s Synchronistic Comet. Better start polishing up that resume cuz you’re gonna need to do some moonlighting.

  13. I’m reading the news about (another) whole class of kids getting heat stroke, and one is now unconscious. With all the talk and warnings about 熱中症 around every year whyyyy does this keep happening?? It makes me scared to put my kid into school here the way they seem to think making kids practice for whatever dumb event outside in the blazing heat is a good idea. Like come on.

  14. I’m overqulified for service jobs, but not qualified enough for management or PM jobs.

    I’m the interpreter for a wind turbine project, and the site manager suggested I apply to a PM job, because he thought I’d be a good fit. I did that, got an email through the recruiter with an email to send my resume to. I send the JP and EN versions plus a cover letter, and almost immediately got a call back from someone in HR. I answered the phone in Japanese (I thought she might be someone from work), but she switched to English. She kept demanding I tell her who gave me the email, and I couldn’t answer immediately and she got even more frustrated before asking what kind of job I was looking into.

    I told her PM, and she started sniggering and almost laughing over the phone. Then she said something like how about a service job and I really wasn’t interested in that so I said “I guess if thats all thats available” and then she was like “you guess? ok whatever…” and hung up on me.

    I said “I guess,” because she was the rudest HR person I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting, and if thats the kind of treatment I can expect working there doesn’t seem pleasant.

  15. Would have caught the train just fine if it followed the usual timetable pattern, but no it’s the only one of its lot that is at a xx:x5 time and not a xx:x6. Also since the so-called 改正 they robbed carriages so it was only a 4 car train instead of 8. Had it been the original 8 I would have made it. Number of people have been calling it a 改悪 when they screwed the timetable, I fully agree.

  16. Seems like someone is trying to hack my mercari account. Got an email today for a password reset request and it doesn’t look like a phishing attempt because it has my actually account name (a random name I made up for the account) (unless they’ve figured out my email address AND have matched that with my account somehow and are attempting to phish) it’s so random and annoying. Need to go change my registered email address just in case I guess.

  17. I’m currently in a situation of severe burnout at work and it’s really taking a large toll.
    I need to tell my boss I’m quitting but because I’m in the midst of this huge, crazy project (the thing that’s burning me out, would require cloning myself maybe 4-5 times to be able to do it), I’m really anxious about it… But I think it’s necessary.

  18. We like one house and we wanted to buy but house has a small store first floor because of that bank wont loan whole the amount.( store is rented and who is renting 21 years there so i don’t think he would leave also i don’t have any problem he is being there )
    We love the location and house everything but i don’t want to put 90k down and get rest loan because it doesn’t make sense with the current situation of the interest rate. I prefer to loan whole the amount but there is no way to get whole amount. It seems we need to give up and i don’t want to.

  19. Tried out a new recipe for an Indian style curry (I have next to no experience making Indian food). Turned out not half bad so I wanted to try it again to improve on it. Turned out a good deal worse than before. It sucks investing the time and effort and having things go south.

  20. Our curriculum includes online listening homework to do and parents were told that admins can *see* how often their kids sign in, whether the audio files were listened to, how many times they listened etc.

    Students still turn in the blank workbooks and papers with their parent’s hanko in the “we finished everything” box even though their accounts haven’t been active in over a week.

    We’ve sent notices home and still. Tired of pushing this boulder up this hill. If I had my way we wouldn’t have homework at all.

    This year’s crop of parents have been especially dense.

    Sign in.
    Listen to audio file.
    Do the tracing/coloring in the workbook.
    Bring it to class and get a sticker.

    Not exactly rocket surgery but I guess it’s just too much for the parents this year to figure out. Blank workbooks, the wrong pages done, one kid keeps bringing the instruction manual instead of, ya know, the workbook. Notes home but same every week.

    Tired of being a kinder teacher to kids *and* the parents.

  21. OH. Related to the EX Service for the Shinkansen, and the raising of prices of the JR Rail Pass for tourists, they’re also significantly reducing the discount for EX-IC users starting in September. No more 1100 yen discount, the discount is going down to about 500 yen.


  22. No complaints except disgusting Chinese food. Japanese friend dragged me to eat wonton, and she told me it’s great.

  23. My toddler had an absolute meltdown in a department store today because I wouldn’t let him eat a puddle boot.

  24. I have to use lots of stock image and free illustration websites for work and the increasing amount of ugly AI generated stuff I have to scroll through is getting irritating.

  25. I feel so depressed I could barely get out of bed. I finally managed to get to work but 3 hours late. I couldn’t focus on anything at work so I did nothing today. I feel like scum. I want to work, I want to be successful but I can’t focus on anything and I can’t get anything done.

  26. Those WINTICKET! Abema ads

    I thought they were saying “mangy cat” for a while.

  27. One more for today. Got on the train after work and just as the doors closed I realized I forgot to take the expensive anniversary cake I bought over lunch out of the company fridge.

  28. I’m fully aware that my view here is in the minority, so take this post as just a vent.

    Why is it considered so virtuous to be *early* for appointments?

    A while back we had new employees joining; one or two at each of three sites, with onboarding presentations through Zoom and a coordinator at each site. The schedule, which the new joiners have a copy of, has everything they’ll be doing in down-to-the-minute detail (分刻み). They’re supposed to arrive between 09:00 and 09:10 (お迎え).

    Before that, from around 8:40 to 8:50, we have a Zoom meeting confirming that everyone is ready and Tanaka-san will be at the Nagoya site and I’ll be at the Kashiwa site, et cetera. From 8:50 to about 8:57 I go to the meeting room to turn the screen on, connect to Zoom, iron out any problems, and have everything ready so that I can walk the new joiners in to a fully-prepared room after going out to meet them.

    But this time, at 8:48, a full 12 minutes before she’s supposed to be here, the one new joiner at my site *calls us* from the lobby, interrupting our preparation meeting. I had to go down to attend to her because you can’t tell her to just stand around.

    Then with her in tow I had to fetch the laptop, connect the wires, log in to Zoom, enter some passwords, et cetera, all in front of her (and thank God I got everything right on the first try). I make a subtle apology for doing all this setup work while she waits; she was here a little earlier than expected, you see.

    Unfortunately my attempt to get her to “read my air” failed: her orientation continues, and we are getting close to the ID photo session, 14:00-14:15. At 13:47, *thirteen minutes before* the schedule indicates, she shows up at my area for me to take her picture. Of course I have to put my lunch down, dig out the iPad (yes, we take them with iPads out here), memory stick, and whiteboard (for her name and employee ID), making it look like I’m keeping her waiting. I’m not, of course; she unilaterally decided to deprive me of my preparation time by arriving so early.

    There are actually three more people who need new photos, so instead of doing all four at once, I had to do this woman’s first, then wait until 14:00 when the other three *who understand what a schedule is* come by for theirs.

    I’m just ranting here because I know Japanese society disagrees with me, but: if you’re late for an item on a schedule, all of society agrees that you’re being rude because you’re making people wait. But somehow, when you’re *early*, depriving your hosts of valuable preparation time, you’re not rude. Why does this imbalance exist? Why not arrive on the dot? That’s why we *have* schedules. She could even be late by a few minutes; at least we, her hosts, would have *more* time to be ready for her. Is this a power-move by the early arrivers, hoping to catch their hosts off guard? Or just pure virtue signaling?

  29. I really want to buy the 世界樹の迷宮 collection that comes out today but I know that I should be a grown up and actually try to go through my backlog with the ~hour of gaming time I actually get after the kids go to sleep, or actually study korean or do tsumego/tsumeshogi or something whatever but but but…

    Edit: I let the intrusive thoughts win

  30. Thought I coordinated my school days and work days well enough so I’d finally get a day off on the 12th… only to have a friend remind me we had a class moved to that day. No days off for me I guess

  31. Boo. My eyesight is getting worse so I want to do LASIK but I have no money…😢

  32. I got an offer from another company, so told my current company I am going to quit, a month in advance. This is what my employment contract says: a month. For a second I thought my supervisor and I would have a semi OK discussion, but instead I got a long list of reasons why I am a bad person: lack of character, selfishness, failure to understand the needs of those around me. Black mark on my resume, lack of common sense, etc etc.
    I don’t get it. If they were sure they’d always need two months, they could put it in the contract?? (Not that it’s enforceable, I think it’s legally two weeks)
    Also this is one of the reasons why I wanted to quit. I knew this is the kind of company where I’d get attacked personally for putting in my notice.

  33. I just read a comment by a friend of a friend on FB saying he still thinks the pandemic is going and we should all be masking.

  34. Right let’s get some other moans out the way…

    Phone battery is about as healthy as Nicokado Avocado. I am far too cack handed to even attempt changing it myself, so any stores in Kanagawa area much appreciated.

    Food trucks here so inconsistent. The one I like most does the best fried chicken breast meat, but when I make the effort to go to its location it just isn’t there. No proper schedule and no social media.

    Why do the OK store staff ask how I’m going to pay? I have to press the frickin’ button on the payment machine anyway.

    Big rain on Saturday. God, if you exist, you’re a dick. Everyone is so caught up in the speculation you’re real or not, that they forgot if you’re just being a bellend or not. Omnipotence this that the other, we could have had bacon trees and our favourite pokemon. Instead we got covid, mosquitoes, wasps, and bedbugs.

  35. I still can’t believe that the unabashed public wedgie picking here is so much exponentially higher than back in the US, its so disgusting

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