Japan’s vaccination req for foreign workers.

Hi. I am from the philippines and planning to go to japan this year 2023 to work there as an english teacher. Do I have to be vaxx for me to enter their country and work there? I never got vaccinated because I am afraid of the effects of it to my body given that I have allergies. If you have any website as well that I can check for all the requirements that will be great. Thank youuu!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Japan’s vaccination req for foreign workers.**

    Hi. I am from the philippines and planning to go to japan this year 2023 to work there as an english teacher. Do I have to be vaxx for me to enter their country and work there? I never got vaccinated because I am afraid of the effects of it to my body given that I have allergies. If you have any website as well that I can check for all the requirements that will be great. Thank youuu!

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  2. You’re not vaccinated and you’re planning on *working with children*?

    Legal requirements aside this is an ***absolutely terrible idea***. Don’t do this.

  3. Now that the COVID vaccination requirements are dropped, I don’t think there are any vaccination requirements to enter the country.

    However, your work may have its own vaccination requirements given that you are teaching. You should ask your employer.

    That said, as a parent of a school-aged child, I recommend you get whatever vaccinations you can. Half of my kid’s class is out sick currently. No idea what they have, but they just share germs like crazy. My whole family religiously gets our flu shot every year, and now the COVID boosters.

  4. AFAIK vaccination wasn’t part of visa requirements, but you were required to be vaccinated to enter Japan, which was lifted a while ago.

    That said have you confirmed with your employer that they don’t require you to be vaccinated? Did you tell them that you were not vaccinated and not willing to get vaccinated in the future for the job?

  5. I see you’re one of those anti-vaxxers.

    If one of those children you teach DIE because YOU didn’t get vaccinated, it’s on YOU.

    Oh wait, maybe some sunlight, water, exercise and “natural juices” will cure them? Who knows.

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