Queries on monthly living costs in the Kumamoto area.

Hi all. I have a scholarship offer from Kumamoto University where I will get 80000 Japanese yen as monthly allowance. So I was just trying to know if this amount is good enough for living a good life at Kumamoto considering that I get their Dorm facility. Also, will it be good enough if I plan to save money for my personal expense to travel and roam around and sometimes do shopping?

  1. So you get this 80k allowance and don’t have to pay rent? Thats more than enough, especially for a student.

  2. 80k without rent and is more than enough for students to have decent life and traveling.

  3. How much do you have to pay monthly for your dorm? You will probably have to cook your own food often.

    80,000Yen can go down quickly if you arent careful. Also, prices (including energy) have gone up recently.

  4. I don’t think there is enough information to give you a good answer. You didn’t tell us if your utilities are free (phone, water, internet, electricity, gas). What about food? Do you get free cafeteria food 3 meals a day or eating out/conbini?

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