Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (June 01, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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  1. Hey everyone 🙂 I was wondering if anyone would have any recommendations for N5 level books. I’m not quite n5 yet but that is my goal for this year. Thank you! 🙏

  2. Why does 込む appear connected so often with other verbs like 落ち込む and 座り込む

  3. 美奈代が自分を誘った理由は、見当がつかないこともなかった。たぶん、彼女がレジを打ち間違えて困っていた時に、助けてやったからだろう

    見当がつかないこともなかった I am fairly confused with this double neg つかないこともなかった

    Is the speaker saying ” As for the reason why she invited me, I have a rough idea. たぶん、彼女がレジを打ち間違えて困っていた時に、助けてやったからだろう “

  4. Using a couple different resources to look up kanji
    One shows the kun readings with a “.”
    Ie はゃ.い
    The other shows the same information by having the い
    Faded darker then the rest of the word ?
    I know it’s probably straightforward I’m just curious what it’s indicating.
    If I had to guess the I sound is situational.

  5. is the “では” that means “then” the same “では” in “ではない” because I originally thought that ではない was just a logical extension of “では” but then I saw people saying that ではない is actually the て form of the copula. So are they completely unrelated?

  6. What is the best way to get back into studying Japanese after a long gap? I learned Japanese for about 6 years, until 2020 when between COVID and College Classes I started to let it slip. I passed the N3 in 2019, and still feel confident with a lot of that content, and still passively understand Japanese when I hear it in limited contexts, but a lot of my production ability has faded with time and my Kanji knowledge has dropped off a cliff. Do I just need to dive back into the deep end, here?

  7. Since I started RTK later-on with an already sizeable vocabulary, I keep confusing keywords with meanings of existing Japanese words using the same Kanji (e.g. **興** -> instead of “entertain”, I think of “interest”, from 興味). Is this a bad thing that I should avoid?

  8. Regarding the irregular ます-stem (and imperative form) of certain common honorific verbs, e.g.

    いらっしゃる → いらっしゃ**い**ます instead of いらっしゃ**り**ます
    Does the irregularity of the ます-stem also carry over to all the conjugations based on it? I.e.

    いらっしゃい + そうです
    いらっしゃい + すぎます
    いらっしゃい + ながら
    (okay, and kinda strange ones like)
    いらっしゃい + も + しません
    いらっしゃい + たい

    Or is it いらっしゃ**り** in those cases?

  9. LMAO! ChatGPT says this means” if I could be reborn and meet you again, I want you to love me for the weight I’ve lost. ”

    生まれ変わってもう一度めぐり逢えたら その時は痩せた分だけ 愛して欲しい

    On a serious note. Can someone confirm if I am understanding this right

    If I was to be born again I would want to love you even if just for a little bit

    Did I understand it right especially the 痩せた分だけ part

  10. Somewhere in the wiki, there’s a google sheets that has a list of a lot of anime, manga, and games with difficulty ratings for the language they use. Is there anything similar for songs? Specifically anisongs?

  11. **所詮主人公補正がなければこんなものなのだろうか、どんな世界も。**
    **I’m reading a novel , and there’s 1 sentence which I’m not sure about its meaning. Hope someone could correct me if i was wrong.**

    **(my guess : “I wonder if this is how any world would be without the hero/ protagonist’s correction after all.” but i’m not sure)**
    Context: After an accident ,MC got reincarnated by a God to another world (+ God gave him a cheat skill – but I still don’t know what it is ), but his new life in this isekai world doesn’t like anything he read in light novels. Also he just escaped from a bandit village.

  12. Followed an anki deck which had a translation that goes:
    “大丈夫 私 が 行く” = “It’s ME who goes” or “It’s ok, calm down”

    Shouldn’t it be: “Stay safe, I will go” ?
    What would be a proper translation?

    Another theory i had is “without fear, I will go”

    According to jisho 大丈夫 could have “without fear” meaning

    Sentence from all might – boko no hero, not sure what episode

  13. I was looking at the lyrics for 優しさ by Fujii Kaze, and I’m confused by the way the sentences are interpreted into English:

    今何を見ていた あなたの夢を見た is translated:
    What were you looking at just now? I saw a dream of you

    But this one:
    今何を見ていた あなたの影を見た is translated:
    …I saw your silhouette

    Shouldn’t the あなたの夢を見た be “I saw (your dream/you dreaming)” for it to be consistent?

    Really appreciate any input on what context I may be missing. Thank you!

  14. So i just found a thing that uses “goro” to say “around”. I always thought “gurai” is around?

  15. Can someone help me understand why the first sentence is で but を is used in the second sentence?

    1) 箱は埃で覆われています。

    2) 床はほこりをかぶっていた。

    Second sentence to me sounds like “the floor covered the dust” which obviously makes no sense. Is this just a special case, or are there other usages of を like this?

  16. > 銃の本体と、輪ゴムを大量に装填するドラム部分だ。

    I don’t quite understand the composition here, in particular the と. If the と was a は, the sentence would make perfect sense to me: “The main part of the gun is the drum part that loads many rubber bands.”

    Also, would I be correct in assuming that ドラム部分 has only one pitch drop, i.e. ドラムぶ\ぶん? ド\ラムぶ\ぶん sounds completely off to me idk

  17. When reporting what someone said, you say 言っていました but what about for something you thought?


    Is it the same nuance in English as “I thought he did it” and “I was thinking he did it”

  18. I was practicing kanji and a thought crossed my mind. Is it possible in Japanese media to use different kanji with the same sounds to create another word in context?

    For example, “彼は僕の山世です。” Instead of using 先生.

    Does this ever happen to convey a slightly different meaning or is it even possible? I suppose it would be analogous in English to intentionally misspelling something like “krazi kool katz”

  19. Full sentence:

    > ようにと主治医に告げられ

    It sounds like someone is being told by a doctor to do something. But what does the と do in this context?

    I did some searching on “ようにと” but I’m still not sure. Like [this page](https://japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/21680/verb%E3%82%88%E3%81%86%E3%81%AB%E3%81%A8-or-verb%E3%81%8B%E3%81%A8) suggested a verb (思って, 言って) might have been omitted. If that’s the case, what verb was omitted and how does it effect the meaning of the sentence?

  20. How are you guys practicing speaking? I find myself doing fine with reading, but I tried my first lesson on italki with a tutor and I couldn’t form my sentences and found that my vocabulary was much worse when trying to recall and say it at the same time. I also don’t think I can afford multiple lesson for italki as I am in school, and money is tight. I am primarily self-studying and I don’t have a group of friends who speak Japanese.

  21. Was wondering if anyone has any links to resources to train pitch accent listening? Not necessarily interested in reproducing it but I want to be able to hear it better

  22. Hello, after completing daily anki and grammar but still have energy to do more. What should you do? I can’t really immerse in anything yet since i hardly know any words

    Doing 30 new words per day, i doubt i should add more even if i have some time

  23. Hi everyone 🙂

    For the sentence:


    “I remember I also paid”

    1. What’s the use of こと here?
    2. If I removed も to say “I remember I paid,” what particle would I use instead to connect the sentence?

  24. What conjugation is 終お?
    I saw it in the definition of 末 (終お。結末。未来。将来。後の時代。)

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