Rate my first time rolling sushi

I made spicy crab, calfornia roll, and a Philadelphia roll. Rolling is not easy 😅

  1. “The first step to being good at anything is sucking at it” and these are a pretty mellow level of suck. They look great for a first try. Keep at it!
    I still mess up on my rice layering from time to time

  2. Rolled is a strong word that is like the smash burger version of sushi…. Still better than anything I can do so good on you

  3. Rice on the inside is probably not the best way for the first time. Next time do rice on the outside. It’s easier to get ingredients in and get rolls to shut. It’s a little rough but its a first try so keep practicing! So long as it tasted good though, that’s what matters most!

  4. Some questions before I dare any sort of advice (looks perfectly good to eat, btw, and far better than a lot of first attempts, so be proud and keep growing your skill!)

    1)Were these half or full sheets of seaweed?

    2)if half sheets, were you rolling lengthwise? (Aka was your final roll equal to the short side of the rectangle, or the long?)

    3)did you use a bamboo rolling mat?

  5. I’m going to sound harsh, but the saucy one doesn’t look appetizing at all and looks way too messy. However the salmon and the surimi roll looks quite nice for a first timer!

    To make the messy ones look a bit more presentable I would’ve cut the spring onions lengthwise and put them inside the roll, and perhaps even the tenkasu. And instead of a drizzle maybe a dot of spicy Mayo on the top with the rolls standing.

    Looking forward to your next attempt and perhaps even some inside out rolls!

  6. Honestly for a first timer I would say a 4/10
    Like most things in cooking practice and repetition will produce better end results
    Just keep rolling away OP 👍

  7. Way better than my first time! Good show. The best tips I ever learned were: however mu Cj rice you think is reasonable, use less. However much filling you think *looks* good, half it.

    Rolling got much easier for me at that point.

  8. No one’s really rating it so my honest rating would be 4/10.

    Also, did you use sushi rice? It looks off somehow.

  9. It’s the perfect first time sushi plate. It looks homemade and can imagine all the fussing it took. Experts, which I’m not, get a “crisp” look from not having to touch it as much. Less handling more precision. Just a few more tries before its easy muscle memory.
    Unsure what it is, but the bits you topped the crab roll with makes the plate look a little sloppy after its fallen off. Next time, before topping I might smear the plate with a little sauce first to give the fallen bits something to adhere to

  10. Presentation is super important and a clean plate would help also,But for your first time making rolls not bad but not good keep practicing

  11. As long as Sushi is sushi. ( Sour rice). Anything hardly goes wrong. I think your rice is too wet.

  12. People have said enough already. I’ll just say good job on getting started. Keep rolling.

  13. I’d eat it, but the rice looks off. Maybe too much water when you made it, it looks too clear.

  14. 5/10 looks messy but still edible and probably tastes pretty good

  15. The ones in the vertical are weird (it looks like strogonoff), but the kani and philadelphia are nice.

  16. Looks tight. Good rice to filling ratio. Negative points for cream cheese.

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