Hi Reddit, I made a website listing Japanese resources

Last month, I started learning web design on my spare time and for my first project, I decided to make a list of Japanese resources.
I know there are plenty of these resources websites out there, but I wanted something visually interesting and mobile friendly.

The original idea was to list the resources for my own education but I thought Japanese learners might also be interested by it. Following this idea, I worked on it a little bit more and now sharing it with you.
I also added a form where you can suggest resources links that will be added to the existing list or you can add them manually if you’re familiar with Github.
Also pardon my poor English. If you find any text that needs to be revised, please feel free to correct it.

Please feel free to share your feedback, resources and ideas!

The website: https://tareqitos.me

The repository on Github: https://github.com/tareqitos/nentlj.github.io (you can manually add links in the JSON file)

Enjoy your learning!

This is a repost, I removed links that were causing copyright issues. Sorry about that!

  1. This looks sick! Saved it so I can take a look tomorrow, thanks for posting it

  2. Grabbing links from the ‘starter’s guide’ and ‘index of resources in this group might good as well?

    For grammar, I have bookmarked




    Grammar check

    Graded reading








    Numbers listening practice

    Kanji relationship graph

    Homophones and pitch accents [https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/uwtaq9/resource_im_making_a_list_of_homonymshomophones/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/uwtaq9/resource_im_making_a_list_of_homonymshomophones/)

    Generate pitch accent from sentence input


    Free reading

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