Noisy new neighbor make sounds at night

Would like to ask for advice to deal with a noisy neighbor who has been making noise at 1-4am in the morning.

Background: I have been living in this 1K apartment in Osaka for 1.5 years now under a corporate contract. (Meaning my company represented me to rent the place since they will cover my rent).
The room is structure in a way that one side of the wall is very sound proof, and the other side is not. If you knock on the non sound proofing wall then other side can definitely hear.
Recently a new Japanese tenant moved into the non sound proofing side and it has been hell.
I suspect tenant is a young Male, often together with a female and for they always start talking, laughing and rambling at 1am ~4am timeslot.
At day time they are less noisy. But I don’t mind the day noise as it’s just 生活音. Plus I also have my fair share of day noise as well so understandable. But at Night is big No No.

Action taken part 1: I called the management company and they said will request the tenant next door to be more careful with carrying things, walking and noises at night. They told me to continue to monitor and if it still occurs then contact them again. They also suggested recording the noises if the noises continues.

Result: number of times they make noises at night has decreased… Lasted for 2 weeks until yesterday night. They really went all out, opening the window, talking laughing, and proceed to… Make lots of extremely loud creaking noise. It’s so loud that I can feel they are doing it right friggin next to me. The horror… I was up the entire time from 2AM to 4 AM.

Action 2: I made a recording of this incident, and as per suggestion from the management company I sent the recording to them.

So now I really feel like I have done whatever I could… But I worry that nothing will improve and I’m sure that they aware it is me- the person next door who have been making complains. Should I take this further and keep recording, bring evidence and call the police?… I do worry they will side with the Japanese instead of the foreigner…

  1. Call the police. This is what I did at least when I had a similar problem a few years ago and it worked.

  2. 2 hours of loud creaking is pretty impressive. I’m a bit jealous of your neighbor.

  3. I remember in my early days I stayed in this 1K that despite saying RC, was like tissue paper. This Indian chap moved in next door and obviously had his bedframe against the same wall and area my bed was in.. cue him bringing back ladies every single night and me laying there feeling like they were on the same bed. Got fed up in the end despite asking him to “keep it down” (hoho).

    To summarise, I sympathise – you’ll have to move, or subsidise his love hotel trips.

  4. When this happened to me about 10 years ago, it was the people above me. I got up and went up to their door and started banging the fuck out of it, telling them to be quiet. Stopped instantly. The next day I called the people in charge of the building and told them about it. They were removed pretty soon after that. Other people had complained too.

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