Denied Rakuten Credit card and JP debit card even though I’ve had mijica for years.

I used to live in Japan, and had a JP bank account.
I had a Mijica Debit card. But its expiring, so I decided to apply for a Rakuten card as well as a JP bank debit card. I got denied both.

I was wondering what my other options are since I don’t want to only have cash on me.
Especially when I need to buy things off Amazon or plane tickets. (I know I can do conibi…. but I’d rather not)

*I moved back to Japan with a job 2 months ago.

  1. For JP bank debit card, I got rejected for the first time because they said that my zairyu kado is in the middle of renewal process and then when I applied for the second time. I have the card. have you do that?

  2. Try Sony Bank. It’s not perfect (what bank is?) but their application process is better than most.

  3. A lot of people were in your situation (including me). In my case, I use LINE Visa Prepaid card and have experienced no problem ever since.

  4. A common thing is when the katakana name on the application is not what the bank has in romanji, so you get automatically denied. Try to make both the same.

  5. Yeah! I did that because before it didn’t match so I couldn’t continue the application. I fixed that and the application went through. So now I’m confused. (Had that issue with rakuten and jp actually)

  6. Did the laws change or something? I remember years ago, I lost my wallet, and had to apply for a new regular cash card at UFJ. While at the bank, they literally offered me a debit card. Like, “Hey we have these now. You want one of these along with your new cash card?”

    When did it become so strict to just get a debit card?

  7. If your name with your bank is romaji, put your romaji name on the application in all caps, instead of katakana. It actually says to do something like this if you open up one of the advice links during the application, but it’s easy to miss.

  8. I was considering Kyash (and app + ApplePay) until I recently posted on here and was recommended docomo prepaid debit. I now have that and it’s great (ApplePay / iD)

  9. It’s a bit telling that when you use a debit card here, they still ask you if you want ikkatsu payment.

    Debit cards are seen as credit cards here. So they probably require the same considerations when applying for them.

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