Need Advice on Anki Decks

I’m currently learning N3 grammar using Bunproand have been making a pre-made Anki deck for vocabulary since the beginning of my learning journey and I have just come to realize that it wasn’t very efficient. I’ve been on and off but lately have been adding new vocabulary as I encounter new material through videos or native material. For example, some words come from Japanese subtitles of K-Dramas and they’re probably not very common but I add them anyway because I believe that I’ll use them in the future. Should I continue doing this or begin using premade decks? My card format is really simple with the vocabulary in front and the english definition and it’s furigana below the translation. I personally enjoy this method and it’s been helpful, but I think it’s very inefficient and I want to spend my time better. Furthermore, I’m trying to better my listening so I’ve been looking at premade decks with audio as well. I’ve been learning for a year on and off but want to efficiently study this summer. I don’t want to give up on my deck that I have already made which is approaching 1000 words, but I also don’t want to waste time either. Any thoughts?

  1. Mine with yomichan (1-click flashcard generation) and a frequency dictionary (prioritize more frequent words). Alternatively, use the premade decks at

  2. If you don’t mind spending money, you can get Migaku.
    It lets you make flashcards from anime while recording the audio of the sentence and it can automatically add word audio and Pitch highlighting

  3. This all comes down to a common theme which is frequency matters. Words have value, if a word is common you’ll hear it all the time which means it’s worth is greater, but if you rarely hear a word other it’s worth it low. A while back a made frequency list which is very popular based on all the subtitles on japanese Netflix.

    As for sentence mining other people have already mentioned Migaku and Yomichan. I personally use Migaku but I’m willing to pay to save time and ease of use. Frequency lists can be used with Migaku or Yomichan easily.

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