Tangorin help

(I’m sorry when this is not the right place to ask this. Please then note me to the right place please.)

I was wondering if there is still someone out there who is using the jp site “Tangorin” and could help me with a problem that i have when i try to use that site.
504 Gateway Time-Out

nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)

I really love that site, but sadly i don’t know how to get rid of this error.

1 comment
  1. Should be posted at the top thread named “daily”. It’s not something you’re doing. The site has some database issues that cause it to hang up when you look up things in a specific way. So the site is crashing in other words. Nothing you can do about it, I still use it for specific things but I moved to using [jisho.org](https://jisho.org) for common look ups and tangorin when I want to do words, because you can wildcard search words with 1-2 kanji and wildcard the rest of the word.

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