I cant understand my anki sentences

Well I am in start of my journey and In very beginning of my anki deck I kept ignoring the sentences cause they never made sense in my core 2.3k but now as I am 190 cards in still most sentences are complete stranger to me, I do understand some words but don’t understand there proper meaning. Is this the issue every beginner face or did I missed something?

  1. Slow down on learning new sentences. Wait until you’re understanding most of the previous sentences.

  2. I don’t know what the main issue is that causes you to not understand the sentences, but maybe try learning more grammar.

  3. Anki is really supposed to be a tool for retaining knowledge you’ve already learned.

  4. > Is this the issue every beginner face

    Well to answer your question I didn’t face this issue but then again I made my own anki deck, so there wasn’t anything in it that I didn’t understand.

    If you are using a pre-made deck, see if you can find some explanation as to how it is supposed to be used. If it has words in it you don’t understand, maybe the point is to learn those words from those cards.

  5. Honestly, while the sentences can be very useful in helping you grasp the way a vocab word is used, they should not be the main focus of your Anki grind. If you know the main vocab word on the front of your card and its reading and meaning, that’s good enough. Understanding the sentence is icing on the cake.

  6. When I started, I had two decks. One was the core deck and the other was a deck I created which had the vocabulary I didn’t know from the core deck. Eventually you’ll speed up because the core deck often will loop back around to that vocabulary you did not know. However, you would have already learned it because of your study time with the deck you made. If that makes sense.

  7. The core decks are single word vocabulary decks. The sentences are only there to resolve disambiguations (think “tree bark” vs “dog bark”) and to show how words are used. Don’t learn them.

  8. I read the thread … you are forcing a gallon of water in shot glasses down your throat in one hour. You can’t learn like this.

    You need to simplify your learning and your expectations so that it is more like 5 shot glass of water per hour.

    Most people in earth can’t learn fast fast fast

    Chill. Take it down a notch. Learn slow and you will find out you can add on more as you get a routine going.

  9. This is exactly the main reason I do not like the core decks and prefer Tango. Core is not set up in i+1/1T format meaning that each new sentence only gives you one new word. The tango decks are i+1/1T. With tango you are constantly reviewing known words in each new sentence and seeing grammar that you have learned over and over which leads to much higher comprehension over all.

    It’s definitely not too late for you to switch decks and you can just skip the cards with target words you have already studied.

    There is a great video that Tokini Andy made about learning Japanese that you should consider checking out too.

  10. I’m at 600 and I can understand easy ones but the more complex ones are just impossible

  11. This happened to me at first. I focused more on studying grammar from Genki 1 opted for a Genki 1 deck in the meantime. I didn’t even reach half the words but I could already read a lot of the sentences. As you progress, there will be new words in most sentences. Just keep going, don’t worry about memorizing those too, since the sentences are there to give some context as some words have multiple meanings.

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