Considering Two Teaching Offers in Kyoto.

I’ll be starting a part-time teaching position in Kyoto soon and I’m under a student visa since May of last year. I received two offers:

1) Visitation Teacher at Benesse BE Studio that starts in May
2) English Teacher at Universal Campus that starts in late February

Benesse BE Studio cannot guarantee how many classes I’ll get in a month, but Universal Campus is likely to have more classes per month which means I’ll get more money. Here’s my conundrum: Benesse BE Studio said that I am “unable to work as a face-to-face English teacher for kids at another English school while working at our client”. I plan to take both positions and just navigate my way around whatever schedule both schools give me.

Now here are my questions! First, am I breaking a contractual rule here by taking up Universal Campus’ offer? Are the two the same? What is the likelihood that I’d get into trouble for doing both jobs? How would the two schools even find out?

  1. Your major employer will need to do your taxes. They will then see you’re making money from other sources. At least that was how it was explained to me in the past.

  2. Tbh, I would just take the on campus job. Fucking around going to different schools is more tiring than you think.

    And yes, they have the right to “fire” you if you break the terms of your contract. You’re just part-time employee.
    You are obliged to tell them but ofc it’s up to your discretion if you choose to. Not like you will get into any legal trouble if they find out.
    Also, I honestly think, if they found out after a while that you have another side gig or whatever, I doubt they would actually do anything.

  3. universal campus will also ask that you don’t take on other english teaching work while employed.

    source: i work there

    edit: as for how enforceable it is, i can’t say. whether the higher ups will care will probably depend on who your manager is and how they feel about it.

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