“Sexual activity without consent is punishable” Criminal Code amendment passed by the House of Representatives of Japan

“Sexual activity without consent is punishable” Criminal Code amendment passed by the House of Representatives of Japan


  1. Nice. Huge difference! Glad Japan joined the 21st century and recognized that people can be manipulated into having sex. Hopefully this encourages more people to report when they’ve been taken advantage of.

  2. Consent in the moment is an important pillar for holding up the legitimacy of a sexual act between people.

    It is however not the only one.

    There are also prior consent, implied consent, contractual consent and withdrawn consent. All must be considered to make a just evaluation.

    I cannot read the article and I won’t bother with the mess that will surely follow a Google translate, but I can guarantee the article has grossly over-simplified what is already popularly over-simplified, and they did it for the purpose of Japan bashing and (false) glorification of western ideals, and its absolutely sickening.

  3. So they changed the name of the crime from “forced/semi-forced sexual activity” to “Non-consensual sexual activity”

    Also raised the age of consent from 13 to 15. However those within 5yrs older of the minor will not be punished.

    Also the statute of limitations increased from 10yrs to 15. If the crime occured while the victim was a minor, the statute of limitations is increased based on the minors mental condition and ability to consent at the time.

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