Frequent karaoke-goers, which do you prefer: JOYSOUND or LiveDAM?

Often you get asked to choose between JOYSOUND or LiveDAM when you go to a karaoke establishment, or sometimes there’s no actual options and you have to use one or the other.

Which one do you prefer to use? Which one do you think has the best selection and features?

  1. DAM by far, way more foreign songs, at least the ones I’m looking for. I don’t really use any other karaoke feature.

  2. When going alone/with GF, I choose JOY everytime, because the 50% of the songs we like to sing aren’t available on DAM, sadly. Also, if I’m going karaoke all-night I like to take a break from singing and watch something from their Miruhako selection. (This is how I first watched The Ring lol)

    If I go with a group of friends, it’s DAM usually. The song selection isn’t quite as big as JOY, but they have more official MV available (as opposed to JOY’s random people doing random things MV), especially anime ones.

  3. I used to prefer JoySound, but LiveDam has gotten so much better in recent years. The vocal guide is very useful if you’re trying to learn a new song, even if it’s often not available for older and more obscure songs. You can set it to either play the vocals throughout the whole song, or set it to assist mode where it’ll only play if you make a mistake. I think JoySound only has a melody to guide you, which isn’t as helpful.

  4. I prefer joysound. Much wider range of Touhou songs, which are my favorite LOL

  5. DAM, but I kind of hate them both. Last time I went to karaoke was “let’s sing this!” Searching… “Okay they don’t have that, let’s look for something else.”. Rinse and repeat.

    It seems they only keep the most popular of the popular, plus a random collection. A good example rule be they have the artist you want, but only their 5 most popular songs.

    Maybe our musical tastes are just that weird?

  6. I’m actually curious about this too! I personally have only ever used JOYSOUND.

    Does LiveDAM’s selection include musicals? That’s where JOYSOUND really struggles for me, I just really want to sing songs from my favorite musicals lol 😭

  7. Joysound. The DAM places I went to had older, lower-quality machines. The Joysound machines had the newer touch panels, and the interface was easier to use.

  8. Joysound for anime songs

    LiveDAM for western songs

    I like LiveDAM more not just for the songs but for the 採点 system too, they are quite fun to use

  9. Joysound’s 採点 is easier imo. I find it hard to ever get above 90 using DAM. DAM has more niche songs though.

  10. Joysound for me because of their app and stuff (I’m sad you can’t customize your avatars anymore 🥲) but I think DAM has more foreign songs (at least last I checked). But either of them are pretty good if you’re lucky and get to use their latest versions.

  11. My cursed wrong-type-of-nerdy taste in music overlaps with Joysound 1% of the time and Dam 0% of the time, so Joysound.

    I heard Joysound (and only Joysound) used to have an Internet streaming feature which might have fixed every problem I ever had, but they got rid of it for whatever reason. They say they’re gonna bring it back at some point but I’m not holding my breath.

  12. DAM, because it has more foreign music and it has a big selection of a certain genre of music I love.

  13. Most of the time I went to onekara (the one with small box space).
    As they are using headphone instead of speaker, usually I just bring my laptop and audio interface, and just plug mic and my headphone.
    Well basically just renting space where I can be loud.

    Otherwise Joysound for vocaloid songs.

  14. Overall I prefer Joysound as it has more of the songs I sing, but Dam has more Western songs and harsher/more detailed scoring which can be good for training.

  15. Usually DAM, but recently a lot of Joysound because I got their app and can just reserve all my music instead of using their tablet. Life changer. I think DAMs app are region locked on the App Store. めんどくさい

  16. DAM is my go to.

    I’ve gotten stuck with a Joysound machine a couple times, and I’m not a fan. I don’t like the touch panel system and I feel that new songs get added on much later.

  17. Question to all you karaoke connoisseurs: I always have a hard time finding songs to sing in those Karaokes. When I’m on the spot, I can’t find anything, and they don’t have a “browse” function, you can only search.

    Is there any way to check beforehand their music selection? Like a website or one of the before-mentioned apps?

  18. Always JOYSOUND if I have a choice! It has more MV for songs I want to sing.

    Though DAM’s app’s feature to put any image from your phone onscreen as a background is nice for when I’m stuck with DAM lol

  19. I think the arrangements of the backing tracks are better on Joysound than on DAM. But DAM’s mode where it analyses how well you have sung a song is better than the Joysound equivalent. I also like the way that, if you can get a higher score when singing a song than anyone else on DAM, you can record your rendition to be available as a guide vocal that other users can use to sing along to.

  20. One isn’t really better than the other. If there’s a specific song you’re looking for that’s obscure in Japan, you should look up beforehand which system has it.

    A lot of my Japanese friends will choose the system based on whether they have the actual music videos for the artists they like. Doesn’t really apply to Western artists, as so few have music videos available.

  21. Joysound. They’ve got all my 龍が如く music, with the videos. Nothing quite like watching a guy sing karaoke in Karaokekan on a karaoke screen at Karaokekan.

  22. DAM has way more official videos (as opposed to random karaoke background footage), and I think the audio is usually better nowadays.

  23. Dam.

    When I get trashed enough I get the confidence to sing gypsies tramps and that’s the one that has it.

  24. Joy sound when out with Japanese friends. Especially if they like to sing foreign songs, they are all slightly modified to make it easier for Japanese people to sing them (especially bass songs).

    On my own, or at a snack, DAM by far. The foreign song list is better, the songs are all in the correct key for the most part.

  25. LiveDAM all night, but in rare occasions I go for joysound if I feel like Rammstein.

  26. Which had the ultimate Disney collection? I enjoy singing Disney songs but never remember which one has English versions and which doesn’t.

  27. As an owner of an establishment ( far away from mainland yet still in Japan ) LiveDam is definitely better, but, Joysound offers leasing packages for better terms. Always used LiveDam but I get what places use Joysound

  28. Damn this post brought back a whole lotta memories. When I first came to Japan 10 years ago used to go to karaoke all the time. At least once a week with my first batch of friends I made in Japan. They were all about 10 years older than me and I knew all their fav songs because I watched old j-dramas and movies on crunchyroll growing up. That era had a lot of ballads and sad songs and I loved singing them. Then I changed jobs and made friends more my own age and I didn’t know any of the new-ish songs or songs that were moriagaru. So I got all conscious and became the girl who never sang anything. I haven’t been to a karaoke in at least 3 years and I used to love it.


    At least in my experience, the midi instrumentation and bass is far more faithful to the original songs. (Well, as accurate as midi can be lol)

    Also has more obscure Hip Hop/R&B tracks, but that’s just a personal preference.

  30. I like Joysound better. I prefer their country ranking game over DAM, and I also was unable to link my new IC card to log in to DAM after losing the first one. I WAS able to link the new IC to Joysound though, so login is way easier.

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