Student Visa extension and part-time work permit

Hello, to start off, im an international student currently living in kushiro, Hokkaido. Upon first time arriving in japan, the immigration in the airport asked if I wanted the part time work permit. I said yes and got the stamp on the back of my identity card (Zairyuu Card). The student visa given to me at that time was 1 year and 3 months. It is supposed to expire soon in August. Knowing it is near expiry, I have applied for the extension which is currently being processed. From what i heard, upon receiving a new identity card with the visa extension, i am supposed to re-apply for the part time permit at the local immigration office.
Here is where i’m worried, a few days ago, I applied for a new part time job at a local store. Technically speaking, I would be working legally because i have already received the permit back when I first arrived. However, say that i got hired and start working, then receive my extended visa as well as new identity card, will I be working illegally knowing that i still need to re-apply for the work permit?

  1. You should have applied part-time work permit paper during visa extension application(download form from internet, fill it out and give it with the rest of papers).
    Worst case scenario – apply it when receiving new zairyu card. I bet in Kushiro they will process it same day. In my case it took 2-3 weeks in Shinagawa, but same day in Chiba immigration office.

  2. You can apply for the part-time permit online as well! Inform your school so that they can add that to your application.

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