japanese grammar help !

hi guys ive started learning japanese recently and ive got past hirigana, katakana, dakuten and now im doing anki every day for kanji and vocab ( i struggle with vocab alot so if anyone has any ideas for how to make the words i learn stick i would highly appreciate it) but ive tried tai kims guide grammar and i struggle and im lost so i need some help on how to efficently study japanese grammar 🙂

  1. For grammar I try to make it as logical as possible, like using a scientific calculator.

    X + A + Y + B = message

    – X is the Subject
    – A is the Particle
    – Y is the Object
    – B is the Verb

    After you get the idea, just practice over and over. Until you don’t have to think about it.

    Vocabulary I would suggest memorizing it in a sentence. before using Anki. Just make a random sentence with the vocabulary you want to learn and use it like you are doing the action. If you can’t do, pretend you are doing.

    After answer the Anki card in your head before you press show me the answer.

    – again = got it wrong.
    – hard = I needed a tip
    – good = got it
    – easy = are you serious asking me that?

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