Looking for help identifying location of late 70s / early 80s picture of my grandma

Looking for help identifying location of late 70s / early 80s picture of my grandma

  1. My grandma lived in Okinawa at the time, so I would think this would be around there, but I have no idea. She passed away a few years ago, so I’m unable to ask her.

  2. The board at the back looks like traditional chinese and not japanese.

    I suspect this is not in Okinawa but somewhere in Taiwan since Taiwan is quite close to Okinawa. You would expect some japanese writing somewhere if it is indeed Okinawa.

  3. I’m not great at Chinese, but I make it out to be (reading from right to left) 敍蕉園休息處

    Which would mean that it’s a roadside rest stop at or near a banana farm, almost certainly in Taiwan. There are massive banana farms in Taiwan. About 10 minutes of Googling doesn’t turn anything up that looks remotely like this.

    But given just how much Taiwan has developed and changed in the last
    half century, it wouldn’t surprise me if this building has long since been renovated or indeed knocked down entirely.

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