Does it seem to anyone else that everyone is getting sick recently?

This probably doesn’t deserve it’s own post but damn, I feel so sick of being sick. I’ve been non stop ill since April. Coworkers and friends seem to be the same. Probably didn’t help getting sent out to work during that typhoon yesterday.

Anyone else?

  1. Lots of people are no longer wearing masks out and about. This contributes to the spread of *everything*, not just COVID.

  2. Yeah both my 2 roommates have been sick back to back. It’s not covid so idk what it is

  3. Nope. I’ve had a stint of being onsite for the past month and so far it’s been okay. Very much looking forward to returning to 100% WFH.

  4. I woke up with a fever and a stinking headache yesterday, Covid antigen tests came up negative and it wasn’t as utterly energy-sapping as Covid was and has largely subsided; my money is on some form of influenza, which has been circulating around my offspring’s school.

  5. My youngest kid has been up and down. I think the weather over the past couple months has been weird being hot then cold then hot again.

  6. yeah, seems like about half the people I work with have had to take a sick day in the past month. Like others have said, I think fewer masks means more stuff flying around. I guess we’ll have to toughen up eventually!

  7. I got the flu for the first time in…..pfft *decades* maybe. That was not fun but I suppose better than covid again.

    RS virus is going around the school.

  8. Yeah I’ve been feeling the same. Got heavily sick last March and then again, a few days ago. I took a day off and my coworkers were shocked that I called in sick again.

  9. I’ve noticed a lot more respiratory bodily noises….*shudder* that plus less mask wearing makes me think…キモ! everytime I hear it

  10. Wearing masks for a long time has weakened our immune system. Well and the strange weather plays a role as well.

  11. My daughter has been sick(on and off) for a month and a half. I’m having it worse because I’m immunocompromised.

  12. Yep.
    I got sick two weeks ago, but tested negative for COVID.
    Team mate got COVID last Tuesday and couldn’t work the whole week.

  13. I got extremely sick in April – not COVID. I was miserable for 7-9 days.

    The weather change is aggravating my asthma (that I got courtesy of COVID), so I’ve felt like trash, though I’m not actually sick currently in a way that can hurt anyone else.

    Lots of my students are getting sick with non-COVID stuff. The masks definitely helped, and we’re now back to the normal thing of people passing germs around freely.

  14. Yep, been having half size classes at my school for a few weeks now. I got it too, but it was like the mildest cold I’ve ever had. Gone after like 3 days.

  15. Crazy that I see this post when I’m just recovering from being sick for the past week. First time getting sick in Japan and first time I’ve gotten sick in a really long time since the quarantine.

  16. I’ve gotten sick almost every month since the year started. Never covid, mostly bacterial throat infections and sinusitis. Started to do these sinus rinses and I hope they help at least a little bit. I’m literally sick of taking antibiotics at this point.

  17. Yup I caught some kind of cold recently, a week after I stopped wearing a mask on the train. Covid negative but with a slight fever. It was the first time I had something like that in the past 2 or 3 years, so I’m guessing my immune system just lost the immunity to a type of common cold virus during that time span. Same thing happened to a friend of mine.

  18. omg YES… I’m sick yet again with something. Was just sick before GW, then a few weeks after I had a nose and throat infection… even took 1.5 days off work.

    Now I have something yet again. No runny nose, no fever, but my VOICE… I’ve had a terrible voice for like a week now at least. I think I caught something again.

    I don’t get it, I still wear a mask.

  19. Im not getting sick personally but Jesus soooo many disgusting coughing people all over public transport. Just complete 0 regard no cover hacking and hawking everywhere. Saw a guy cough so hard he was gonna throw up, then wipe his mouth and sit next to some kids on a train. If ur sick then stay home ffs

  20. Haven’t been sick for about a year when I had Covid (apparently). Feeling just fine right now.

  21. Went clubbing Saturday night, got sick Wednesday, sore throat still at its peak now (Sunday).

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