What are some good ways to improve number forming/comprehension speeds?

I can form and read every number from 零 to 九千九百九十九万九千九百九十九 (how would you write that in the number-kanji-mix form?), but only if you give me a minute or so. It’s also very hard for me to imagine everything with 万 in it, because this system of tenthousand having its own word is not present in my native language.

In order to improve in something you have to do it over and over again and that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m generating random numbers and try to read them in Japanese. But what about listening? My best idea was to generate a number, copy it while not paying too much attention, paste it into Google Translate and let the TTS read it out for me.

What are some other methods I could use?

  1. You could try the numbiro app on the Google appstore. I think it does exactly what you are looking for (listening to japanese numbers)

  2. You can fix 百万 as a million, and try to work in multiples of 10 around it

  3. I also wouldn’t bother with writing them in kanji form. It’s rare to see that and unlikely you’ll ever write a number that way.

  4. We put commas to indicate the 万 9999, 9999 so in kanji and number mix it’d be this: 9999万9999 but you’d probably see 約1億 unless there’s a need to be that precise.

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